Suggestions for Indian Football

Arsenalkid700Arsenalkid700 7 Points
Recently Indian Football kinda hit a boom in 2011. While the league is getting a little better both on and off the field and the national team being ok in matches and the AIFF actually doing work, we are also seeing a rise in fans of Indian Football whether it be league, national team or both.

While we gained fan support I also am seeing that many people have there own opinions and suggestions for the betterment of Indian Football. I have also noticed the lack of activity on the forums but I am guessing that is because it is December and many people (me included) have midterms, exams and projects for school and work for, well, work.

So in order to maybe give some more life into the forum I decided to create this thread so people may cast there vote on what they think we should do to improve Indian Football. This will also lessen the number of threads as this would stop people from just posting a new thread of what they think Indian Football needs or how it is right now (me included again with all my opinion posts)

Topics: On this thread you may post your opinion on maybe new leagues/cups, youth, national team suggestions, coach suggestions etc. (NOTE: I request that your suggestion should not be something like "I think Baichung should return to the national team" or something like that)

Also after you post something me or maybe someone else to will reply about what they think about your opinion. Hope this thread is useful to you.


  • leelee 0 Points
    very important is that india plays according to the fifa calendar ,and the league should have international breaks during that time
  • "lee&quot wrote:
    very important is that india plays according to the fifa calendar ,and the league should have international breaks during that time

    I agree. I just don't know why we don't do it. It should be easy for us as we play alongside the FIFA calendar which goes from August to May. Hopefully we will see this sooner rather than later.
  • ashindiaashindia 9572 Points
    1) I-League needs to get better,atleast 50% of what MLS is today.
    2) AIFF and respective State Associations need to to make sure they appoint AFC License coaches in all schools in major cities of India,just having Academies for U-13 will not change much in Indian Football.
  • 1) I-League needs to get better,atleast 50% of what MLS is today.
    2) AIFF and respective State Associations need to to make sure they appoint AFC License coaches in all schools in major cities of India,just having Academies for U-13 will not change much in Indian Football.

    I 100% agree.

    1) We should look to adopt the MLS or A-League model. I used to think the J.League model was better but then I saw that the reason they work is because clubs were willing (unlike here) and the geography in Japan make it simple. The MLS and A-League are perfect examples of what a country with a huge population and land size should do to be successful.

    2) Agreed again. At least have the coaches licensed and have them know some football. Most coaches in India don't even know the basics.
  • shankarshankar 2600 Points
    mine is that all i-league clubs should run talent hunt programs in their state on lines of european clubs who are doing presently in india....but not u-14 but should be u-8 or u-10 and the best player should be provided with proper training facilities whom shall be watched closely by these clubs grow their skills by having proper league which is run by these clubs itself....this will help them get some good young talent and will make those children and their family follow the local follow too which will in turn help the club only with both talents and fan base
  • mine is that all i-league clubs should run talent hunt programs in their state on lines of european clubs who are doing presently in india....but not u-14 but should be u-8 or u-10 and the best player should be provided with proper training facilities whom shall be watched closely by these clubs grow their skills by having proper league which is run by these clubs itself....this will help them get some good young talent and will make those children and their family follow the local follow too which will in turn help the club only with both talents and fan base

    That is a great idea. AIFF-FIFA Academies are not enough. Especially for a country our size.

    I mean Blackburn Rovers, a club from England is already ahead of Indian clubs in terms of youth in India... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""; onclick=";return false;"> ... _in_India/</a><!-- m -->
  • usaindiausaindia 1671 Points
    i think we are getting there just slower
    we need to capture cities like nagpur and put ateam in kashmir or northeast ,two in south and 2 in northeast
  • i think we are getting there just slower
    we need to capture cities like nagpur and put ateam in kashmir or northeast ,two in south and 2 in northeast

    Exactly. To me Nagpur is like the Seattle Sounders FC (USA) of India where before you thought there was no interest in football that much but then that city explodes and you see there passion. Basically Nagpur is a Indian Football hotbed and the AIFF should really look into making an I-League team and an Academy there.

    Also the North-East is another one but with the way the fields look right now in which they look like dirt, I don't think we should make an Academy at this moment. Maybe the AIFF could maybe due Pre Academy Try-Outs in Nagaland and Mizoram where kids go on trial for a week and the best ones would be sent to the Academy in Kolkata.

    Also a south one should be in Chennai or Hyderabad. Those cities are hidden gems for Indian Football. Hopefully QSC is the beginning of something new.

    That's what Indian football desperately needs, specifically investment in infrastructure at the youth level starting pre teens. Mid teens is too late, most european nations start around eight to ten years of age. Once there are good facilities, the wealthier folk will be attracted to send their kids to play football like they do all over the world. Lack of proper grounds is a huge disadvantage for kids to play on, every bit of green is being grabbed by promoters to build skyscrapers for their selfish profit. While they bloat up their Swiss bank accounts and send their kids abroad for everything, India languishes pathetically in the most popular sport in the world. In India, there is barely any grass on the grounds at the local level and even if there is, the ground is rock hard, unfit to play on. Football is the cheapest game and requires minimal investment to start with but unfortunately in a hugely populated country like ours and with the burgeoning construction activity in recent times, playing pitches are a premium. I used play in the amateur league in the US and the grounds we used to play on can easily compete, if not better than some of the pitches I league is played on. There was an artificial turf with walking distance of my house. Such facilities in India at the amateur level is a faraway dream.

    In India, most (there are glorious exceptions off course like Robin Singh, Sunil chetri etc. etc. ) players come from lower middle class, no wonder they have such poor IQ that they cannot string a series of passes correctly, the shooting is wayward to the point of being funny sometimes( case in point: Ishfaq ahmed: over the years I have seen him aim for the corner flag instead of the goal after doing all the hard work running fast and furious and getting into shooting range in spite of being one of the toughest guys on the pitch).

    The right balance of finesse and strength is seriously lacking among Indian football players. Either you have raw wild strength without any finesse and football sense or the other way round. Just to exemplify, players like Robin Singh, Anwar Ali have wonderful built, power but they lack the fine touch, the football brain behind accurate shooting, passing, off the ball positioning and what have you. Players like Ashim Biswas have the latter but get injured or fall sick every other month.

    Perennial mispassing is a huge bane among the current crop of Indian players and the real bad news is that they mispass under no pressure. Close observation of any international game will tell you that this is an absolute NO NO internationally, they barely mispass; even under pressure, they are mostly on target. Mispassing upsets the rhythm of a team, slackens the pace of the game and makes the game boring for spectators, no wonder the disinterest among Indians towards national football except in a few pockets

    More later,.
  • rudrarudra 2958 Points
    I totally agree... I think instead of spending money on the current senior squad we sud go for full fledged youth dev.

    However good TD/Coach comes, we can only improve a bit. But with youth dev., things will be much better after say 10 yrs.
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