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  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30841 Points
    @shanks_dehighliving: I am always ready to be enlightened ;)
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30841 Points
    "I am still childish and childlike. Let me enjoy my extended childhood for little longer"

    That's my boy!  Best Gif Thumbs Up GIF 

    Bhai, why not extend it for the entire life, like me? B) B)

    munna219777[Deleted User]AshishKaulgoalkeeparashindia
  • oh , I am sure you already know what happens in reality  :#

    1. It is imperative that Boy should have job even if girl is CEO of company
    2.  he should have more salary than girl
    3. gender equality is big time JOKE and only looks good on social media, very few Indian parents will chose boy for their girl with equal or less salary
    4. you may want become gharjamai but its taboo
    5. even If you argue that you will do all household work, thats useless 
    6. even after divorce, you have to pay alimony to wife and its not other way around
    7. its not that easy from girls point of view too , it is assumed they will leave job and take care of in laws, house and children
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30841 Points
    Exactly...I teach a course called "Contemporary India: Women and Empowerment" to my students...while teaching concepts like masculinity, patriarchy, LGBTQ etc to students, I tell them that such things usually look good in the  cushy confines of academia and are rarely applied in fact, I was telling them all these points that you have narrated (and much more) while teaching them Kamala Das's excellent feminist poem, An Introduction, today

    An Introdction

                              --- Kamala Das

    I don't know politics but I know the names
    Of those in power, and can repeat them like
    Days of week, or names of months, beginning with Nehru.
    I am Indian, very brown, born in Malabar,
    I speak three languages, write in
    Two, dream in one.
    Don't write in English, they said, English is
    Not your mother-tongue. Why not leave
    Me alone, critics, friends, visiting cousins,
    Every one of you? Why not let me speak in
    Any language I like? The language I speak,
    Becomes mine, its distortions, its queernesses
    All mine, mine alone.
    It is half English, half Indian, funny perhaps, but it is honest,
    It is as human as I am human, don't
    You see? It voices my joys, my longings, my
    Hopes, and it is useful to me as cawing
    Is to crows or roaring to the lions, it
    Is human speech, the speech of the mind that is
    Here and not there, a mind that sees and hears and
    Is aware. Not the deaf, blind speech
    Of trees in storm or of monsoon clouds or of rain or the
    Incoherent mutterings of the blazing
    Funeral pyre. I was child, and later they
    Told me I grew, for I became tall, my limbs
    Swelled and one or two places sprouted hair.
    When I asked for love, not knowing what else to ask
    For, he drew a youth of sixteen into the
    Bedroom and closed the door, He did not beat me
    But my sad woman-body felt so beaten.
    The weight of my breasts and womb crushed me.
    I shrank Pitifully.
    Then … I wore a shirt and my
    Brother's trousers, cut my hair short and ignored
    My womanliness. Dress in sarees, be girl
    Be wife, they said. Be embroiderer, be cook,
    Be a quarreller with servants. Fit in. Oh,
    Belong, cried the categorizers. Don't sit
    On walls or peep in through our lace-draped windows.
    Be Amy, or be Kamala. Or, better
    Still, be Madhavikutty. It is time to
    Choose a name, a role. Don't play pretending games.
    Don't play at schizophrenia or be a
    Nympho. Don't cry embarrassingly loud when
    Jilted in love … I met a man, loved him. Call
    Him not by any name, he is every man
    Who wants. a woman, just as I am every
    Woman who seeks love. In him . . . the hungry haste
    Of rivers, in me . . . the oceans' tireless
    Waiting. Who are you, I ask each and everyone,
    The answer is, it is I. Anywhere and,
    Everywhere, I see the one who calls himself I
    In this world, he is tightly packed like the
    Sword in its sheath. It is I who drink lonely
    Drinks at twelve, midnight, in hotels of strange towns,
    It is I who laugh, it is I who make love
    And then, feel shame, it is I who lie dying
    With a rattle in my throat. I am sinner,
    I am saint. I am the beloved and the
    Betrayed. I have no joys that are not yours, no
    Aches which are not yours. I too call myself I. 
    [Deleted User]munna219777AshishKaulspartakartik91
  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10492 Points
    I might sound selfish but I always want to marry someone who earns huge so that I can sit at home and watch football.
    thebeautifulgamemunna219777AshishKaul[Deleted User]deepugoalkeeparashindianamewtheldsparta
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10132 Points
    A friend of mine has actually achieved this. His wife (again a friend) is a senior VP, he pretends to be a management guru, doesn't do anything at all, sits at home & surfs TV and net 24x7.
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30841 Points
    He is really a "management guru"...only a "guru" can "manage" to get such a wife and live off her earnings :p :p
  • AshishKaulAshishKaul Ancient India1127 Points
    Lol I used to dream about that where me and my wifu switch gender roles. That was when I dropped out of college and gave up on cricket as a career.
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30841 Points
    Heard of gold digger hearing of gold digger husbands :o :D
    AshishKaulsam[Deleted User]goalkeeparashindia
  • samsam 16695 Points
    Gender equality in all sectors  ;)
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