Let it happen. But these premier league teams should play indian clubs. I mean there should be matches like kerala blasters vs arsenal instead of arsenal with some other europe club.
Frankly Premier league clubs will be willing to play in India just to tap into the potential fan base and commercial opportunities.
If teams can go to Singapore, Malaysia why not India?
We have had a few big teams that have played here most recent being the Blackburn Vs Pune FC which made sense than matches like Argentina vs Venezuala in Kolkata which helps no one in India except those event management companies.
To me Corporate league will mean dearth of professional footballers in India. Considering the low wages at the moment, only a handful will be able to sustain a proper package. Remember professional footballers can only earn for few years.
with corporate league in the picture, majority of players will loose their professional identity and take up jobs in these corporates to represent them.
its their choice. Why deny a safety net for players? especially as many come from tribal and other poor families. professional clubs would need to get teir act together if they want talent (post this proposed psu league) eg longer contracts, better facilities. It can only be good. I hope atleast 30 PSU/Corporates sign up for this league and it is a proper year round league.
If teams can go to Singapore, Malaysia why not India?
We have had a few big teams that have played here most recent being the Blackburn Vs Pune FC which made sense than matches like Argentina vs Venezuala in Kolkata which helps no one in India except those event management companies.
To me Corporate league will mean dearth of professional footballers in India. Considering the low wages at the moment, only a handful will be able to sustain a proper package. Remember professional footballers can only earn for few years.
with corporate league in the picture, majority of players will loose their professional identity and take up jobs in these corporates to represent them.
We will go back to en era of the 80's
we cannot maintain 1 League, struggling with 2 -Leagues and building our hopes on adding another one. Good.
Yes 1 good point is more players get an opportunity to earn.