Said a source would be interested in giving up his passport to get here. But will have to see if he actually will do. His Physique and experience is impressive.
Punjab police fc reached final in the birat gold cup in nepal in quater final they beat Machhindra Football Club nepal league current champion. Today in semifinal they beat sankata club other club from nepal top league . And punjab police is not even a professional club imagine if in punjab we have couple of semi professional club like in kerala league or mizoram league right now we have minerva academy and punjab fc . But minerva which is not belong to punjab because most of there player are from northeast ( nothing vs northeast people )but we need more professional club in punjab there are so much talent right now .football is popular at district level just in 3 district ludihana jalandhar and hoshiarpur imagine when football will reach all district .. at this semi professional level we produced so many player for india like manvir sandesh gurpreet and many more. with level of professional club ,football culture, infrastructure, and football academy way less then other states like kerala goa maharashtra karnataka mizoram west bengal ..
Super League: What Europe thought today, India did in 2014
The development immediately rings closer home, and not just in cricket’s flawed, unfair Big Three revenue sharing model kind of way. A closer look, and you cannot help but think that India might have just shown world football the
way, becoming that vishwaguru of something, anything, that we so badly wanted to become. Here it is how to demolish existing structures to serve your own end, what Europe will kick off in 2021, we had already set in motion since 2014.
While the European elite brazenly cites the altered dynamics emerging from the pandemic for their new plans, the Indian version has been carefully and conveniently couched as a federation backed franchise-based league. Compare this to the statements by the national federations in Europe vowing to fight his breakaway league tooth and nail to the All India football federation who played both middleman and mid-wife. Even the nomenclature bears an eerie similarity – Indian Super League.
And this also where this leaves the Indian football fan in a slightly tricky situation. First, there is the self-righteous indignation at their beloved club in Europe choosing money over soul. And that’s when there also comes the realisation that we in India had turned a blind eye at a similar unfolding, standing silently when a thriving club structure was manipulated with and broken in the hope to maximise the last dollar. So, where do you stand? Do you bask in patriotic glow of teaching the world how to sell football? Or does the dawn of the ESL invite that uncomfortable cringe that was never there when an entire ecosystem was dismantled, razed and another one made to stand over it?
So glad to know that Indian football leads the way in at least one thing!!
And what a tight slap on the face of the AIFF: middle and mid-wife Could well have added "pander" or "dalal" too!
And also on the average Indian football fan (though not IFN , it should be mentioned, whose members have always militated against this destruction of the football ecosystem from Day One) who cheer for their beloved European club and are aghast at this situation while having nonchalantly accepted a similar destruction in their own doorstep years ago.
The situation with ISL and what is happening with ESL is different in many aspects. The only similarity is that heads of both parties at ISL and ESL did it/are doing it, to make (MORE) money.
Said a source would be interested in giving up his passport to get here. But will have to see if he actually will do.
His Physique and experience is impressive.
Meet Apuia, the great new hope of Indian football
Super League: What Europe thought today, India did in 2014
The development immediately rings closer home, and not just in cricket’s flawed, unfair Big Three revenue sharing model kind of way. A closer look, and you cannot help but think that India might have just shown world football theWhile the European elite brazenly cites the altered dynamics emerging from the pandemic for their new plans, the Indian version has been carefully and conveniently couched as a federation backed franchise-based league. Compare this to the statements by the national federations in Europe vowing to fight his breakaway league tooth and nail to the All India football federation who played both middleman and mid-wife. Even the nomenclature bears an eerie similarity – Indian Super League.
And this also where this leaves the Indian football fan in a slightly tricky situation. First, there is the self-righteous indignation at their beloved club in Europe choosing money over soul. And that’s when there also comes the realisation that we in India had turned a blind eye at a similar unfolding, standing silently when a thriving club structure was manipulated with and broken in the hope to maximise the last dollar. So, where do you stand? Do you bask in patriotic glow of teaching the world how to sell football? Or does the dawn of the ESL invite that uncomfortable cringe that was never there when an entire ecosystem was dismantled, razed and another one made to stand over it?
So glad to know that Indian football leads the way in at least one thing!!
And what a tight slap on the face of the AIFF: middle and mid-wife
And also on the average Indian football fan (though not IFN , it should be mentioned, whose members have always militated against this destruction of the football ecosystem from Day One) who cheer for their beloved European club and are aghast at this situation while having nonchalantly accepted a similar destruction in their own doorstep years ago.
Greedy bastards the lot of them though.