Coach for Indian Football Team



  • hmmm... I think the Australian expectations has been very high too, whereas in our case we are almost at bottom, so as they say, "From here we can only go up" <!-- s:handgestures-fingerscrossed: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/handgestures/fingerscrossed.gif" alt=":handgestures-fingerscrossed:" title="Fingers Crossed" /><!-- s:handgestures-fingerscrossed: -->

    Well Said...

    Also I feel.. he will do good for us.. He has good expertise in football... Secondly he managed many teams in Netherlands.. And teams from Netherlands will play great football.. and not body game ( definitely which suits Indian players)
  • AdminAdmin 240 Points
    So, Finally it was confirmed that Rob Baan is the TD. He has been given two year's contract.

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""; onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->
  • tejiteji 142 Points
    Small-Sided Games part 1 - Robert Baan

  • "teji&quot wrote:
    Small-Sided Games part 1 - Robert Baan

    Wow. The thing that stands out for me is the fact that kids are actually below the age of 10 which barely is seen in India.
  • tejiteji 142 Points
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""; onclick=";return false;"> ... 513062.cms</a><!-- m -->

    The All India Football Federation (AIFF) has promoted Savio Medeira and handed him the vacant Indian coach's job.

    Medeira, contracted with the AIFF till May 2012, was assistant to Bob Houghton and Armando Colaco for the past three years.

    Medeira had a meeting with the AIFF general secretary early this month and expressed his willingness to take up the challenge. He had also sought clarifications on the length of his contract, his support staff and preparatory camps. But while there was no confirmation on the preparatory camps, Medeira, it is certain, will continue to have the same support staff.

    "I have asked for Marcus Pacheco to be the assistant coach as well as look after goalkeepers. The support staff remains the same," said the former Salgaocar coach.
  • panchgunpanchgun 129 Points
    I Don't think if i have used this word more for anyone else than the AIFF .Goddamn who r these fools making the same mistakes again and again . There is no question that armando is by far the best coach in india and even then they appoint someone else.Why the heck couldn't they give him a 2 year contract which he asked for, its not as if india is going to play in the next world cup or any major competition ,we have plenty of time on our hands so what was the harm in letting armando build a team for next 2 years.By taking this decision these buffoons have take India right back to where we were 5 years back.
  • I Don't think if i have used this word more for anyone else than the AIFF .Goddamn who r these fools making the same mistakes again and again . There is no question that armando is by far the best coach in india and even then they appoint someone else.Why the heck couldn't they give him a 2 year contract which he asked for, its not as if india is going to play in the next world cup or any major competition ,we have plenty of time on our hands so what was the harm in letting armando build a team for next 2 years.By taking this decision these buffoons have take India right back to where we were 5 years back.
    <!-- s:bow-plusone: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/bow/plusone.gif" alt=":bow-plusone:" title="PlusOne" /><!-- s:bow-plusone: -->
  • yeah bring AC back u .....AIFF <!-- s:angry-screaming: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/angry/screaming.gif" alt=":angry-screaming:" title="Screaming" /><!-- s:angry-screaming: -->
  • As we all know Savio is now our coach of India till after the AFC Challenge Cup 2012. After the cup it is most likely that Savio will not get a new contract and we will go with what Robert Baan has said already about who should coach India...

    1) Must be foreign
    2) Must know/have experience in Asian Football

    Now those criteria's is exactly what we need in our coach. But who? Here are my choices...
    1) Philippe Troussier (French Coach aged 56): His greatest achievement is winning the AFC Asian Cup 2000 with the Japanese Football Team. He then lead Japan to a second place finish in the 2001 Confederations Cup after losing only 1-0 to France in the Final. He then lead Japan to the Round of 16 at World Cup 2002. Ever sense he has coached notable teams like Marsellie (France) and the Morocco National Team. Currently he is managing Chinese League One (2nd Division) club Shenzhen Ruby F.C. after getting Relegated from the Super League. He shouldn't be expensive and he should be easy to convince as well.

    2) David Booth (English coach aged 63): He has managed in India before and has managed everywhere in Asia as well. No notable achievements as of yet besides winning the recent Cambodian League. Easy and cheap.

    3) Trevor Morgan (English coach aged 55): Sure call me an idiot but this man can do wonders for India. It already seems he would take the job if offered and that he would have a plan ready. All he has done is manage in India and he has earned plaudits in India for the trophies he has won. Plus he knows the league very well and the players that play in it.

    So who do you think should lead India after Savio?
  • namewtheldnamewtheld Kolkata5665 Points
    this post should go into COACH FOR TEAM INDIA THREAD
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