If selecting Rocus Lamare based on this season , then Wim & Savio , you are both blind and stupid
If it is based on building a team for the future, then you 2 are ignorant clowns... Rocus is close to 35, and only makes sideways passes, , never plays a telling thru ball and is allergic to tackling !
@gaffertape, can you refrain from using the slangs? Your posts are eminently readable even without these ... or are these allowed, after Admin's edit on one of your posts?
How am I 'trying to provoke' him? I just want less slangs in this forum. So by wanting less slangs, I am harming the forum? @Gaffertape does give invaluable inside info, but that does not give him license to use slangs, period. It is a public forum.
And @Joyptan is right, if we have to take it or leave it, I think moving on would be a better idea.