Gamification: How to Like, Dislike or React on a Comment and the Leaderboard

Hello members,
As you can see, we have upgraded the Indian Football Forum to a new modern interface. To ensure better engagement and promote quality discussions, we have added new feature called Gamification.
When you mouse over someone's comment, you will see different kinds of reaction options appearing (Like, Dislike, Promote, Insightful, LOL). You can click on any one option to react. You cannot react on your own comment (of course we are not Facebook!)
Each reaction has a point associated with it. Like has +1, Dislike has -1, LOL has +1, Insightful has +3, Promote has +3. So by reacting to the comments you will be actually promoting healthy content and discouraging poor content.
Remember that when you Promote a post, it will be eligible to be featured on 'Best of' page where top posts will be displayed. And LOL is a positive reaction, so please do not award it to trolls because they are funny, it is for witty comments. 

We will also introduce Badges and Ranks system in a few days. the points earned will be displayed along with every comment you post.
The weekly leaders on the points table and the overall leaders will be displayed on the ACTIVITY page. Would love your feedback and am happy to clear your doubts.
As you can see, we have upgraded the Indian" data-via="" data-hashtags="">Tweet