2014-15 Arsenal FC season



  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10499 Points
    4th place again I guess
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    How about Champions? That trophy monkey is off our backs now. We just signed Alexi Sanchez and Debuchy and will probably sign Ospina next and perhaps a DM. The squad is more stable with guys like Bendtner gone now.
  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10499 Points
    not champions but 3rd maximum for me debuchy isnt that goood compared to filipe luiz or zabaletta 
    i dont like wht arsenal do in transfer time nowadays and there bench isnt as good as chelsea or man city 
    and there players get injured at wrong time

    what if giroud is injured ur center forward would be joel cambell or sanogo 
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Oh for fucks sake. We finally start our signings earlier than usual with a world-class player and a player of need and you guys still complain. Okay, lets put it like this, pointless comparisons with Zabaletta and Luiz (who is a left back btw) aside, we just replaced Sagna with the man who was ahead of him for the right-back spot for France. This is a player who was highly rated at Newcastle United and who is used to the Premier League. We need a replacement for Sagna and this guy is perfect.

    Other than that we have just signed fucking Alexi Sanchez! This is a guy who lit up the Serie A before being misused at Barcelona. If Giroud is injured we have Sanchez. When Walcott comes back we also can play him. Sanogo meanwhile will find it, he is young for gods sake and Campbell showed that he can play during the World Cup.

    At the same time we are about to replace our former #2, Fabianski, with the #1 for Colombia! That is a good improvement and will provide competition for Szczezny. If the Pole messes up the Ospina will slot right in. Again, the only place we need signings is DM and perhaps at CB if Vermaelen leaves. We are set otherwise. 

    Injuries we just have to hope don't happen again, we can't just overstack because of that fear. We are improving our facilities and improving the staff so hopefully the likely hood of it happening again is lesser than before.
  • indian_goonerindian_gooner 3561 Points
    reaylly looking forward for this season. hope we sign sami khadeira or lars bender. i feel we might come 2nd this time, if not the champions. 
  • preetampreetam 870 Points
    Where is podolski...did he left arsenal...he is seen during f1 german grand pix....now miroslav gone he wil now get adequate chance in german NT
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Podolski is still at Arsenal.
  • preetampreetam 870 Points
    Theo walcot ,podolski and giroud then why the hell they need extra striker last year the lost 3-6 to man c and 0-6 then 1-5 to tottenham or liverpool(not sure who) this clearly indicates they need proper defender....infact wenger accepted that striker is not the problem
  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10499 Points
    Podolski sanchez walcots arent Center forwards they play a bit wide

    And please compare ur fucking Sanchez with Costa Aguero Fabregas or Suarez(not now though)
    u will know what it takes to win the league

    Arsenal defence is worse they showed it greatly last year 6-0 5-1 6-3 against big teams and 3-0 against everton it

  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Walcott played from the middle during the 2012-13... hell, I saw him play their with my own two eyes live from the stadium! Podolski also plays in the middle sometimes but mainly as a winger. Sanchez to. This aint FIFA mate where players can only perform in one position, these players can play all across the front line if needed.

    Also Costa is overrated. He had one good season with Atletico Madrid and all of a sudden everyone thinks he is great. He was rubbish for Spain in the World Cup and he was rubbish at Madrid Pre-Falcao to Manaco. Fabregas plays a different position smart one. Aguero and Sanchez are arguably the same, both would play the same amount at a world-class club like Barcelona. Suarez... he will also do the same as Sanchez. Both Aguero and Suarez will be rated higher because they were the leaders at their clubs and also because the Premier League will do that for ya.

    As for our defense, you are seriously basing us on 4 games? Come on, Arsenal played over 50 games last season and you choose 4 to "prove" that our defense is crap. Dude... just STFU.
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