But I heard they were expanding to 10 teams or a possible 2 month 2nd season every year in SEP Oct . How will this deal impact player salary ? Will teams get any money out of this deal ?
Isl should challenge ipl for viewership , it will be a healthy competition . Now I wish we develop proper leagues for American football. Rugby , basketball and my favourite baseball
Seems like Bids of ISL was pre decided. See in each individual bid category star was way behind than other competitors i.e Facebook and Sony. But Star also bid in GLOBAL Overall rights of ISL with 16,347.50 cr where as all other highest bid from each category was 15,819.51 Cr. So seems like Star Knew about this total amount way before that's why they just merely increase their Global over all bid to get rights.
Infamous Cage homes
This cage costs around 150 Dollars per month.
I thought they stopped telecasting India games and now this news came
Guess Isl will have to stop before April leaving super cup in doll drums
But I heard they were expanding to 10 teams or a possible 2 month 2nd season every year in SEP Oct . How will this deal impact player salary ? Will teams get any money out of this deal ?
Isl should challenge ipl for viewership , it will be a healthy competition .
Now I wish we develop proper leagues for American football. Rugby , basketball and my favourite baseball
Lol we are so incompetent . If cricket has gone through this one can wonder about the affairs of other sports .
I wonder who built transstadia and when it was planned and when work started ? Anyone ?