is ranked #658,835 in the world according
to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Approximately 51% of visits
to the site are bounces (one pageview only). The site's visitors view 2.9
unique pages each day on average. The time spent in a typical visit to is about four minutes, with 61 seconds
spent on each pageview, and about 35% of visits to the site are referred by search engines. is ranked #658,835 in the world according
to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Approximately 51% of visits
to the site are bounces (one pageview only). The site's visitors view 2.9
unique pages each day on average. The time spent in a typical visit to is about four minutes, with 61 seconds
spent on each pageview, and about 35% of visits to the site are referred by search engines.
That is very good considering we are only 1 years old and most of use have only known each other (barely) for a year. 4 min on the site though on average. I spend like 24 hours on here without going to a new page (new tabs help) is ranked #658,835 in the world according
to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Approximately 51% of visits
to the site are bounces (one pageview only). The site's visitors view 2.9
unique pages each day on average. The time spent in a typical visit to is about four minutes, with 61 seconds
spent on each pageview, and about 35% of visits to the site are referred by search engines.
That is very good considering we are only 1 years old and most of use have only known each other (barely) for a year. 4 min on the site though on average. I spend like 24 hours on here without going to a new page (new tabs help)
Well I know few users in this forum since 2007. :> is ranked #658,835 in the world according
to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Approximately 51% of visits
to the site are bounces (one pageview only). The site's visitors view 2.9
unique pages each day on average. The time spent in a typical visit to is about four minutes, with 61 seconds
spent on each pageview, and about 35% of visits to the site are referred by search engines.
That is very good considering we are only 1 years old and most of use have only known each other (barely) for a year. 4 min on the site though on average. I spend like 24 hours on here without going to a new page (new tabs help)
Well I know few users in this forum since 2007. :> is ranked #658,835 in the world according
to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Approximately 51% of visits
to the site are bounces (one pageview only). The site's visitors view 2.9
unique pages each day on average. The time spent in a typical visit to is about four minutes, with 61 seconds
spent on each pageview, and about 35% of visits to the site are referred by search engines.
That is very good considering we are only 1 years old and most of use have only known each other (barely) for a year. 4 min on the site though on average. I spend like 24 hours on here without going to a new page (new tabs help)
Well I know few users in this forum since 2007. :>
to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Approximately 51% of visits
to the site are bounces (one pageview only). The site's visitors view 2.9
unique pages each day on average. The time spent in a typical visit to is about four minutes, with 61 seconds
spent on each pageview, and about 35% of visits to the site are referred by search engines.
That is very good considering we are only 1 years old and most of use have only known each other (barely) for a year. 4 min on the site though on average. I spend like 24 hours on here without going to a new page (new tabs help)
Well I know few users in this forum since 2007. :>
Orkut ;;)
this smiley is so girlish dont use it again 8-}
Lol its good actually :-j
For Example :- I know Shankar since past 3 years If I'm not wrong.Thanks to IFF community in Orkut
Oh, I did not even know what Orkut was till I just looked it up. Thats very cool.