I am very happy for vietnam win. Hats off to Vietnam why we are not learning anything from these countries like vietnam and Thailand... Problem is our federation and it's corrupt politicians who don't have any knowledge of football but ruling the federation and that's where the real problem lies.
I think conditions are ripe to start all sorts of revolution in India. If we leave dumb people elect dumb people to important posts, our future will be royaly screwed.
I have history optional for civil services. When I started world history I kind of got attracted by communist revolution of Russia, French revolution, American revolution, Nazism( ) etc
But to be frank I am more of an ancient India lover/freak(superficially).
How can this problem be solved ? Can't we do anything or why not there's a petition in supreme court first to change AIFF president and also overhaul of whole federation followed by gaining the rights of ISL Leaving IMG and many other things which can improve our team what's the solution of all this...
Problem is our federation and it's corrupt politicians who don't have any knowledge of football but ruling the federation and that's where the real problem lies.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. – Plato
I have history optional for civil services. When I started world history I kind of got attracted by communist revolution of Russia, French revolution, American revolution, Nazism(
But to be frank I am more of an ancient India lover/freak(superficially).
Can't we do anything or why not there's a petition in supreme court first to change AIFF president and also overhaul of whole federation followed by gaining the rights of ISL Leaving IMG and many other things which can improve our team what's the solution of all this...