Looking for FM Players to work on Indian Football for the game

in Chill Out
Hey FM players got a message from someone on twitter
I am about to recruited to the Football Manager team as an Assistant Researcher soon. The job is not finalised yet and i maybe too early to request this from you but do you know any FM players who might be interested in this part-time job which will help Indian Football get represented on FM in more depth and would also help the Indian Football Manager research team. Thank you.
We need more people. If you know anyone who atleast plays the game we can take it from there
You can refer this thing
See a Nation or League Not listed here? Read for instructions on how you can still get involved - Available Research Roles - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)
I am about to recruited to the Football Manager team as an Assistant Researcher soon. The job is not finalised yet and i maybe too early to request this from you but do you know any FM players who might be interested in this part-time job which will help Indian Football get represented on FM in more depth and would also help the Indian Football Manager research team. Thank you.
We need more people. If you know anyone who atleast plays the game we can take it from there
You can refer this thing
See a Nation or League Not listed here? Read for instructions on how you can still get involved - Available Research Roles - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)
contact @Jyotirmoy if you are interested