easy to say....... not to do

every people of india..now a dayz thinking abt indian football and its infra.........but who will be changer ?? who will come forward to take responsibilites.?? who will send their wards to ground..instead of preparing them for iitjee/aipmt/cat......who will donate.a single paise.to injured player ?? who will gurantee the job safety of a player ?? who will take care of their families..if something wrong happens to them ?? in a country that has..121 cr population.......and survival of fittest in competition is only way to survive...why should one waste his time in playground ?? itz vry easy to get a job..instead of being good player...time is a factor here......think abt this things.i am here for quiet a few times........i want to ask evry one dat do the dare to thnk that their child will become a footballer ?? some exceptions is dere..viz robin singh..despite coming from ..a rich back ground..he i s playing..in cheap ..squads....
are you guyz evr donated a single paise for the sake of indian football ?? are guyz willing to take responsibilty ?? itzz vry eaasy to blem the officials..but be there face reality........arey u guyzz can't evn fill ur stands......in our home city...wht better could be xpected frm indian football............where fans talks much..but does a little..
are you guyz evr donated a single paise for the sake of indian football ?? are guyz willing to take responsibilty ?? itzz vry eaasy to blem the officials..but be there face reality........arey u guyzz can't evn fill ur stands......in our home city...wht better could be xpected frm indian football............where fans talks much..but does a little..
forgive if i am wrong
But I have a qstn for him...........pls dont take it personally.take it sportingly.....have you ever been concerned......why this unhealthy situation is there?? try to find out the truth........itzz vry easy to criticize.....vry easy to break a glass.......but to built a house u need be hard working........if u cann't find out..i wil share....some hard core facts in this forum.........
On a serious note, what you are talking about is not infrastructure per se, about the whole scenario perhaps. The question is when a child grows up, whether he would opt for sports as a career (other than cricket). Beyond the 11 players of the national football team or the 11 x 12 players of I-league I, hundreds others cannot reach that level, in spite of devoting their best years in the game. There is no support system to do some corrective action and rehabilitate them. You can't help this; this is the fault of the system. Under the murky situation, best talents will not come to sports; the risk of failure/ partial failure is too high. Those who come, I pity them and salute them.
To me, professionalization is the answer to build a sports fit to be taken up as a profession. A sport, say football, should allow a person to build himself around it in some capacity or the other – player, coach, admin/ support staff, marketing, consultant, and so on – once he commits himself into it. Unfortunately, football in India hasn't yet found its footing to offer this, and I don't see this happening in near future until the scenario changes drastically. We fans are still keeping on asking for the basics.
Till then, we will have to be content with one-off matches in Olympic/ WC qualifier or second rung Asian tournaments and cry hoarse demanding evening matches, telecasting, sponsors, …