Futsal in India

futsal is a variant of association football that is played on a smaller pitch and mainly played indoors.
futsal is played between two teams each with five players, the game is played on a hard court surface delimited by lines, walls and boards are not used. But futsal in india is not much popoularised but also there are many futsal championship in india mainly in banglore,mumbai,kochi,jaipur and kolkatta. my topic is here supose to say that we dont have a futsal national team . its a very important thing to think and their should be a discussion needed for promotion of futsal in india .
top futsal national teams in asia
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futsal is played between two teams each with five players, the game is played on a hard court surface delimited by lines, walls and boards are not used. But futsal in india is not much popoularised but also there are many futsal championship in india mainly in banglore,mumbai,kochi,jaipur and kolkatta. my topic is here supose to say that we dont have a futsal national team . its a very important thing to think and their should be a discussion needed for promotion of futsal in india .
top futsal national teams in asia
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://top-topics.thefullwiki.org">http://top-topics.thefullwiki.org</a><!-- m -->
team rank
iran 6
japan 11
thailand 12
australia 28
china 34
lebanon 41
indonesia 42
tajikistan 49
iraq 53
jordan 56
malaysia 59
turkmenistan 60
korearepublic 64
hongkong 67
vietnam 71
bahrain 72
palestine 74
chinese taipei 75
qatar 80
myanmar 87
cambodia 89
philipines 90
syria 91
macau 92
singapore **
brunei **
maldives **
saudi arabia **
oman **
UAE **
laos **
yemen **
afganistan **
bhutan ** ** = rank not given
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sportskeeda.com/2010/06/16/can-promotion-of-futsal-in-india-help-football/">http://www.sportskeeda.com/2010/06/16/c ... -football/</a><!-- m -->
Dude, you are desperately searching for a coach. are you a player or want to be a coach? Maybe if u write ur requirements in details, someone can help u
I think we have a national team for everything. I think we have one for ICE Hockey to.