@showgroundz ; Please introduce yourself here. Do not start any new thread. You can participate in discussions in various threads which are already there. Thanks and Welcome to IFN.
How will it change anything?You used to be a different personality when you were phanik1234? or better not to use real name? Your wish really. You are free to do it. @Admin
Nagendra is official name (certificate).... But all my village friends & relatives including my parents call me as Phani.. Few of my friends call me Kumar as well...
Both are my names
Or else is it possible to change name of old a/c (phanik1234) to NagendraKumar
In orkut , my account is named with Nagendra.... Here, in IFN... I have changed my username... however... I did mention my full name (Official name) in introduction...
Due to some personal issues, I'm away from IFN for couple of years and couldn't able to retrieve my password for phanik1234 once I'm back... So, new avatar Nagendra came into picture...
can I use my old account : phanik1234
main intention is ... Just want to be one of the old member of IFN..
Nagendra is official name (certificate).... But all my village friends & relatives including my parents call me as Phani.. Few of my friends call me Kumar as well...
Both are my names
Or else is it possible to change name of old a/c (phanik1234) to NagendraKumar
brother... nice to hear from you....
@ archak
why lol
In orkut , my account is named with Nagendra.... Here, in IFN... I have changed my username... however... I did mention my full name (Official name) in introduction...
Due to some personal issues, I'm away from IFN for couple of years and couldn't able to retrieve my password for phanik1234 once I'm back... So, new avatar Nagendra came into picture...