some interesting changes like tagging and recent post....excellent work @admin>-
i would suggest addition of the pages in each discussion as it would make easier for regulars to go to the last post and get to read directly the recent posts only
Well the software here is more intelligent. It actually leads you to the 1st unread post. You must MARK ALL VIEWED first because by default all the previous posts are unviewed.
Well the software here is more intelligent. It actually leads you to the 1st unread post. You must MARK ALL VIEWED first because by default all the previous posts are unviewed.
that is awesome and actually i didnt noticed it at the start ...
I have noticed that some people have still have not gotten the message that this is the new look page. Some people are still commenting on the old page.
Is there someway we can 100% block posting on it except the COSCO Prediction Game
now that we have switched to new interface, lets address few things 1. while opening a forum/topic it should go to a new tab 2. the good old category view avoiding inner sub forums. 3. too much to scroll down.
Point 1 is not clear to me. But I guess you mean that when you click on a topic, it doesn't take you to the last post. Actually it does. It takes you to the first unread post page since your last visit. Right now by default all the old posts are marked UNREAD. You have to click on MARK ALL VIEWED
We are looking for a addon that will collapse the categories. This will also solve your 3rd point. But having subcategories on front page saves you from clicking a lot. So what we can do is remove some subcategories in INTERNATIONAL section where there is no much action.
i would suggest addition of the pages in each discussion as it would make easier for regulars to go to the last post and get to read directly the recent posts only
Is there someway we can 100% block posting on it except the COSCO Prediction Game
1. while opening a forum/topic it should go to a new tab
2. the good old category view avoiding inner sub forums.
3. too much to scroll down.
We are looking for a addon that will collapse the categories. This will also solve your 3rd point. But having subcategories on front page saves you from clicking a lot. So what we can do is remove some subcategories in INTERNATIONAL section where there is no much action.
We want everyone's opinion on that.