Looking for FM Players to work on Indian Football for the game

mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10492 Points
Hey FM players got a message from someone on twitter 

I am about to recruited to the Football Manager team as an Assistant Researcher soon. The job is not finalised yet and i maybe too early to request this from you but do you know any FM players who might be interested in this part-time job which will help Indian Football get represented on FM in more depth and would also help the Indian Football Manager research team. Thank you.

We need more people. If you know anyone who atleast plays the game we can take it from there

You can refer this thing 
See a Nation or League Not listed here? Read for instructions on how you can still get involved - Available Research Roles - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)

contact @Jyotirmoy if you are interested


  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30022 Points
    Our ex forum members @ashlesh plays this game 
  • NaujawanNaujawan 1621 Points
    edited March 2023
    I am a die hard FM player from 2007 have played every year religiously haha. Know the mechanics ins and outs of attributes, hidden attributes, use of genie scout, have edited Nation Data base before for personal saves on Pre Game editor too. And to top it off, have even read Football Manager Ruined My Life the book because of my addiction lol.
  • deepak dedhadeepak dedha Ghar2914 Points
    Naujawan said:
    I am a die hard FM player from 2007 have played every year religiously haha. Know the mechanics ins and outs of attributes, hidden attributes, use of genie scout, have edited Nation Data base before for personal saves on Pre Game editor too. And to top it off, have even read Football Manager Ruined My Life the book because of my addiction lol.
    I can relate to you cuz I went through a similar experience :tongue: . The game was so addictive back in the day. I still play it, although I don't play as much these days due to job and family commitments.
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