> samiam said: > GUYS Myanmar is showing its team matches on tv right?if yes wont our game against myanmar be telecasted?
> nameWTHeld said: > > samiam said: > > GUYS Myanmar is showing its team matches on tv right?if yes wont our game against myanmar be telecasted?
> >
Hey some one tell team India not to attack so dangerously..it will hurt players.. )
now it seems even we have played NMI, we could not have scored from corners!!
Guam showing India whose boss
)call guam for the next nehru cup )
37 mins cant score goal against one of the weakest teams of World Football.
We are playing our natural game..which means our strikers cant score, naturally
Are we playing tiki-taka and hence da ball is being given away???? :P just 2 shots on gaol and none off-target..
> samiam said:
> GUYS Myanmar is showing its team matches on tv right?
if yes wont our game against myanmar be telecasted?
> nameWTHeld said:
> > samiam said:
> > GUYS Myanmar is showing its team matches on tv right?
if yes wont our game against myanmar be telecasted?
wow we should have had nepal or afghnistan in our group atleast we would get live match
Hey some one tell team India not to attack so dangerously..it will hurt players..
now it seems even we have played NMI, we could not have scored from corners!!
Guam showing India whose boss
call guam for the next nehru cup
37 mins cant score goal against one of the weakest teams of World Football.
We are playing our natural game..which means our strikers cant score, naturally
Are we playing tiki-taka and hence da ball is being given away???? :P just 2 shots on gaol and none off-target..