@Silicon...i always talk positive if the team performs well but crib when they doesnt. Not like wanabe glory hunters who sees everything perfect even if the team is in worst shape...might be people like ....oooooooo!!! :-))
Love to see #thankyouSachin ad in goalnepal.com ....... <br>and i think this time we will do better ...<div>my only worry is that coach might select miranda ahead of dika or vineeth cuz of his defensive ability......</div>
buhahahahhahahahahahahaha...am happy now.epl,laliga,bundesliga,ligue 1,mls,even scottish league getting telecast...chanel hurry to telecast india cricket ply in australia,sauth afrca,canada,ethiopia,uganda,...but no one intrest indian footbal...cngrtz AIFF.ND SPORTS CHANNELS
In Governor's Cup at Sikkim, ticket is 200 rupees. Here in Siliguri for India international game, only 20 rupees ticket????<br><br><img class="img" src="https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/p480x480/1463968_697694550248498_1429274215_n.jpg" style="left:-98px;" alt="Photo: Governor's Gold Cup: MMC Vs ONGC Mumbai. We are 15 minutes away for kick off. Spectators are still coming into the Paljor stadium.
http://www.goalnepal.com/news.php?id=17236" height="400" width="600"><br>