We are getting 120 regular registered visitors everyday!
About 8,000-11,000 daily pageviews on the forum alone
The Submit Article button will be available next week for easy blog posting!
Also, we have to take some time out to thank @munna219777 for keeping the forum clean. He has worked so diligently and silently that we had to spend some time remembering who was the moderator! A big thanks to you sir!
We are expecting a lot of discussion about the age group national teams. There is a lot of excitement regarding them and we also have a lot of international matches lined up. Should there be individual threads for India U16, U19, U23 etc matches like we have for the senior teams? Please press 'Like' for 'Yes' and 'Dislike' for 'No'.
I would suggest batchwise thread based on completion of 19 years. This way we would know all the players. Otherwise, when a player moves from U-16 to U-17 to U-18, we might loose information about them or past performance with different age groups.