New coach for Indian Football Team



  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    edited September 2015
    And now look at us. Bloody Scott O'Donell is our technical director as far as I know, Stephen Constantine, a man who's best achievement is doing something with fucking Rwanda and who had a stint in India 10 years ago, is our head coach, and a fucking community coach is our U19 guy! The only thing looking good is Nicolai Adam as our under-17 head coach!
  • I liked both of your posts but I am wondering that could have easily become an article :)
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    edited September 2015
    Honestly, I should have done a lot of articles for IFN by now but everytime I sit down to think what to write, I blank, then when I am on the forum I magically manage to type an article-length post.

    My post could have easily been a "The man who India missed out on and may regret missing" type article but whatever haha

    Same on wikipedia. I go on, see how tough it is... wonder how I will do what I envision... an hour later and I am done and even better than before.
  • As of Habbas, I am not in favour of that guy. He is a good coach definately, but not a coach for Indian National Team scenario. Habbas tactics are defensive and depends on availability of high quality players which we don't have. My main concern about him being the fact that his thoughts are very rigid to point that it makes him loggerhead with other people. The worst part being he might even resign from the post due to such fight and keep NT lurching. In the current scenario, we want a coach who can work with limited resources produce results than keep on cribbing about requirements.

    As of Bob vs Wim, Bob tactics (long balls) were very straight forward and could be used by any type of teams whereas Wim tactics require players with good passing and positioning sense which Indian football players don't posses. Also, Bob was way better in man management than Wim. A lot of results and performance depends on the fact how comfortable the players were in the setup. Bob ensured that. In comparison, Wim simply restricted himself to on-field work.

    I believe, Rob timing was good for Indian football but simply Wim was not good for National team. I felt India missed the chance with continuing with Colin Toal as youth coach. It would have been better to continue with older tactics of Bob and maintain the NT results and but simultaneously changing youth setup for new football thoughts and tactics. So that in few years we had some players who could have better adopted to Wim philosophy. A sudden change was a receipe for disaster.
  • rudrarudra 2958 Points
    If we had kept colm toal at youth then how would we have changed youth football style
  • I meant Toal should have been replaced with some other coach with Wim's football style. 
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10139 Points
    Bob also did two more things. One, U23 team for SAFF and two, the Arrows team. Both were with the eye to have a makeshift supply line.

    Coaches after him did not bother.
  • Yes Papas was signed to coach the academies but did he continue? He was made responsible for U-23 team and Pailan arrows. At the youth level, Toal was back after AIFF failed to sign suitable candidates.
  • rudrarudra 2958 Points
    i hope you guys realize by now that our football team cannot improve from a set youth team. i do not see that as a credit anymore.
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