Indian Super League 2015



  • Thoroughly enjoyed that game, not least because Kerala won but also because it posed a juxtaposition between the attitude of the two teams - NorthEast resorted to dirty tactics when their game plan was exposed while Kerala just got on with their game with their players playing on NorthEast's lack of composure. Some strange tactics from Farias who has been happy to keep under-performing players in the team for far too long. Lopez is a a hothead, Khongjee is useless and his defending for Kerala's 4th was laughable, Robin Gurung can't last a game and Simao loves a dive if anyone as much as breathes on him. I want to concentrate on the Indian players and there was no one to highlight for NorthEast.

    Kerala might just have found their best formation with a 4-4-2 diamond, and the freedom with which these players now play puts to shame the ultra negative tactics the previous manager employed. If you put players on the pitch and assign them responsibility, they will step up. Cavin Lobo's fitness has been in question for a long time, but playing two high intensity games in 3 days is impressive and his goal and assist and link up play was excellent throughout the game. Saumik Dey was good some times, bad sometimes, a typical day for him. Mehtab was once again in a clueless headless chicken mode, running around when there was no need to, tackling when there was no need too and generally just being a cog in anything good. The commentators see his tackling or late attempt at tackling and think that is impressive which is of course nonsense. Half the time Mehtab gets involved when he doesn't have too. Rahul Bheke was once again easily fooled for NE's goal and off the top of my head, that is 6 goals now KB has conceded due to a mistake directly or indirectly by Bheke and that is just one too many IMO.  

    I disagree that the quality on display in the ISL is lower than last season because it clearly is not. From attacking to team composition to the involvement of better players, both Indian and foreigners, there has been a definite noticeable improvement in quality of the league.
    BrainFallINDIAatuljgshibierarchakkartik91munna219777coolgagangaffertapeDomnicgoalkeeparand 2 others.
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30184 Points
    @Soham_De: Was just about to suggest the same (Dagnall to EB) when I saw your post. However, I agree with @The real AG's criticism of East Bengal players in this game. Very fair and level-headed.
  • dhritiman7dhritiman7 4030 Points
    edited November 2015
    I also thoroughly enjoyed the match. Agreed with @TherealAG for most of the things. But would like to add few things - 

    1. Game quality was good, but refereeing was poor. Tackle on Simao by Jhingan was a penalty. But at the end both teams suffered by many poor decisions. In international games Jhingan will not get away with this tackle. During corner his shirt pooling was awkward too. 

    2. Rahul Bheke was cautious today and made several good tackles, yes the goal was conceded by him. Anyway not near to Pritam or Rino but not as bad as sounds from your posts. 

    3. Lobo, German, Dagnal worked real hard and their switch over and change of positions was a pleasure to see. They won the game for KBFC. Whereas Nico Velez and Simao were pretty much predictable. 

    4. 100% agreed on Mehtab and Shoumik. But that is best they can do or have been doing for last 10 years. Same applicable to Sanju Pradhan too. 

    5. Don't want to make any conclusion which version is better but I am loving touches made by this years foreigners'. You can read the shape of formation and see some good quality passes in spells. 
    atuljgRonnymunna219777ArcadeRoarreddevil87The real AG
  • Forgot to mention that it was good to see John Dykes here. 
    archakThe real AG
  • DomnicDomnic 2309 Points
    Only some games quality is good. Many games like (Mum vs Pune) was a nightmare for the viewers. The last 2 games were good though especially yesterday's.
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    nobody seems to mention about the seven changes in the starting lineup???
  • RonnyRonny 10488 Points
    some how I enjoy watching all the DD games..infact even enjoy Robin's game..sudenly to me it seems he is giving his all specially when I compare his performance with those of jeje,Balwant,invisible Holi,Haokip etc..I see this turnaround in Robin's game since the Iran match..before the ISL everyone was laughing over DD including me but they have certainly surprised so far..All this when Adil Nabi has not even found his footing and yet to score..I was under the impression that he would smash apart ISL teams but maybe he is struggling to cope in the team position wise..

  • RonnyRonny 10488 Points
    Overall on the ISL I see the Indians look much more confident this time which augurs well..also this may be due to the limited slots up for grabs in starting 11 so everyone gives their best..also next ISL onwards it wud be awesome if the U-19 guys also get into few teams
  • samsam 16526 Points
    Crowd unrest in Guwahati after NEUtd defeat. Is this news true?
  • BrainFallINDIABrainFallINDIA India7385 Points
    edited November 2015
     Sanchez Watt ruled out of the ISL due to injury !
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