Indian Super League 2018-19



  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus29358 Points
    Reality is ISL has started to fail, just compare the number of views and comments on both threads, isl and I league and you will know what I mean, keep in mind I league thread was made about 1 month later, still the isl thread could not match it.
  • DEFENCE123DEFENCE123 India657 Points
    Reality is that all ISL fans have stopped coming to this forum due to the complete bias against ISL and all the negativity in this sub. See other forums
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus29358 Points
    There are no other Indian football forum,
  • RonnyRonny 10472 Points
    @DEFENCE123 Can you share if any other Indian football forum exists? I am curious to see the knowledge level of our fans..
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India29861 Points
    edited March 2019
    Regarding the lack of comments about ISL and the failure of IFN to attract new generation fans, I would like to state that IFN do contain some young, new generation members. However, since the ISL is only about 5 years old, it is expected that even these new gen. football supporters would have better acquaintance with NFL/I-League than ISL. The paucity of comments on ISL can be attributed partly to the fact that the ISL itself has failed to generate the sort of interest that it did, at least in the initial 3--4 years, to some football enthusiasts. It seemed to some people to be a viable alternative to the I-league in the first flush but over the years, it was revealed that it had its own share of problems. Of course, there might be other reasons too.

    Regarding NEUFC and its lack of support, I would say that the club itself is a failed concept. It was confirmed by one of our new IFN members from the Northeast in the Introduction thread who had said that he could not identify with club. As @Deb_Ban has told time and again, it is an injustice to ignore the diversity of the Northeast and club the rainbow assortment of the football cultures of eight states of the Northeast into a single club and name it as NEUFC. So, we we find ardent supporters of, say an Aizawl FC, Shillong Lajong or NEROCA FC but not much support for NEUFC.

    I agree about blog inactivity but it would be too much to expect Hassan to single-handedly assume responsibility...other members, should, now and again, help him out with it provided time permits
  • DEFENCE123DEFENCE123 India657 Points
    @thebeautifulgame NorthEast has more attendance and TV viewership than Lajong and Aizawl combined
  • spartasparta Jamshedpur FC2074 Points
    @thebeautifulgame hahahahahaha good one. Still waiting for Jamshedpur FC thread. Will definitely try to update it if there is any news regarding the club.
  • spartasparta Jamshedpur FC2074 Points
    Well, normally there are news regarding JFC as they are trying to upgrade everything out there. 
    Like this news which most of the members might have missed.

    Or the news that JFC is going to send around 10 kids (age around 10+) every year to Athletico Madrid for around 6-7 years starting this year fully funded by TATA Trusts with a vision to have Indian players in Global leagues.

  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus29358 Points
    Awesome.. Tata is a real company which thinks about this country unlike some greedy company's like reliance.
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