FIFA U17 World Cup 2017 in India



  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    We don't know those facts... specifically. We are just fans.
  • Rav92Rav92 Kolkata1660 Points
    Some of the members here could be a good detective. Whose player born on which year what their history utter nonsense. If team not play well criticize them if they play well brings on their age fraud saga. what wrong happen with u guys. I would say pessimistic people stay away from Indian football. Where we are struggle to build a proper league these peoples list of wondering never ends .Common guys we are not power house in football admit that. This type of age fraud happen more or less every where in the world and it is nothing new to the footballing world. For instance at look those African player ,look at those Iranian Player its they look like under 17 in any angle.Some of the members attitude really amazed me, they behave like we are next to Brazil or Argentina. Grow up guys.
    shibierDXDeb_BanRonnydebarghya89goalkeeparkarioilmohammed_87hassansudheermylankalEastBengalPrideand 1 other.
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    Age fraud should be condemned no matter the circumstances and should be internally dealt with ,However playing nice doesn't get you points nor will save careers where performances in the pitch matters.

    Age fraud? Tell that to the African teams when we play them on pitch and see if the world community really cares.

    What really matters is how many will grow up and make a difference in future senior teams where there is no such restrictions like age factor.

    Last time we were too nice, we got it in the rear end in 47,62,99.. sorry for the digress though.
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10132 Points
    Firstly, even though we are 'just' fans and therefore our duty ends with hitting the like button or saying 'wah wah' in the news of an Indian victory, if we confine ourselves within this role we would better visit only But for Heaven's sake, this is a football forum dedicated to Indian Football and here we should dissect the performances at all levels, be critical about the system, the officials and the players, and be bold about it.

    Secondly, Iran or South Africa engaging in age fraud does not give us license to take up the same. The logic is in the similar line of 'Paki and Bangla are corrupt, so we should also be'. Of course, we can do that, but at our peril: our growth only will be retarded.

    Thirdly, we should be indebted to those who have the information on real ages (of course, genuine info), or else we may keep on chest thumping saying 'We beat Italy', 'We drew Colombia' while our 21-year prodigies would continue to end their carriers at 26.
    Carbon_14munna219777ashindiagopiajeeshBrainFallINDIAgoalkeeparkarioilmohammed_87hassanEastBengalPridearchakand 2 others.
  • Rav92Rav92 Kolkata1660 Points
    First of all what you all educated intellectual fans have says is hardly matter to the officials. Its a cultural fault and we can't overcome it over night. In a country like India where Cricket is no 1 sport and hardly anyone talk about football. Where most of the people who play football are from poor back ground. Where no academy culture in the early age. How do you expect all those player who represent the country will belong to under stipulated age. It is not the proper time to criticize the team or the system when we hardly 2 months away from the main tournament. It may demoralize the players. Btw I also know some of the player are over aged but we all unaware of their specific age. Is there any proof you have that this player born in this year and that. And why you guys brought  the age fraud case when the team draw against Chile. Why not when they lost against Coloumbia and Mexico. That means you guys have only one motive to criticize the team. Whatever may be the case its the fault of the officials not the players. Criticizing the player what I have a problem with. You can criticize the player for their performance in the field but criticizing the player for the off the field matter is utter nonsense.  

  • RonnyRonny 10575 Points
    Adam asking these boys to change their age is as fake as this news could be..a FIFA licensed coach wont risk his career by doing that..maybe he later he got upset that his overage group of boys also couldnt beat better opposition and started abusing what a joke all this is..
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    Good that I didn't book Delhi tickets and waste my time and money to support age frauds who are called "future of Indian football" feeling sad for @ashindia and others.
    karenesudhakar2050jees_josegaffertapeharry55deepak dedhakartik91shibier
  • souravindiasouravindia 3763 Points

    Adam would be a hypocrite if he knows for fact that the boys are so much overage. reason I am saying is, Adam had pointed this out when we played Iran at home in the qualifiers against the Iranian players hinting it.

    But for a tournament of 17 years, I do not think AIFF would be risking 21-22 year players. age fraud used to be common in India, but it is a bit difficult nowadays and specially when you have the world cup at your own ground I do not think AIFF would be risking disqualification if FIFA were to checkout the ages.

    Though we have seen overage players and some might be +1-2 years , but I doubt anyone would be a 1993 born.

  • DXDX 4074 Points
    Now a solid reason for u to not visit matches?

    Again we need to realize that the youth game is full of age frauds, Am not saying we should participate in it but saying the Situation is not bad compared to proper age fraud teams who are masters at the world stage.

    Look at he African, Central and western Asian teams. 

    Also ppl are posting as if some genuine quality youngsters are cheated by age fraud selected players... It's not be case, Beyond this bunch whether u like them or not there is hardly any quality you find for us to miss on.

    We have an extremely poor and small list of talent pool at youth level and this is the max we could muster in the last 2 years. Best with 1 month to go is to get behind them rather than throw a spanner now while keeping quite for the better part of a year.

    We have another chance in 2020 WC where we can easily weed out obvious age frauds as it's a much bigger level. 
  • 7negi7negi India10890 Points
    I have seen both batches very closely and personally i feel Gautam Ghosh batch of Jerry,Krishna,Dheraaj,Thapa,Prosenjit were better in technical and tactical wise than this batch.

    Also recently head coach of one of reputed academy who had supplied many players in this world cup team told that they conduct bone density test on players and test results are +/-2 so if person age is 17 and bone density test shows 17 then they registered -2 age i.e 15.
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