FIFA U17 World Cup 2017 in India



  • Rav92Rav92 Kolkata1660 Points
    Problem relies on us. Age cheating shouldn't be happen anywhere in the world. But we all want result, no one here want our team thrash by other team and if that happen then we start abusing the player, that's the only problem which encourage age cheating. If you look closely, you will find which ever team get success in age group tournament its stumble in senior level. Be it Mexico, Middle Eastern country or any African Country. And they all do this just because they want instant success, They want to prove something which they can't do in senior level. On the other side all the developed country didn't give that much importance to the age group tournament and concentrate on real  development.
    Its really hard for a country like India not known for Football, Concentrate only on real development and don't give that much important to Age group tournament. IMO the concept of age group tournament should be removed except the U-20 level. Kids should play and enjoy the game why should we fielded them with a tag of their country and expecting them to fought hard give us the sense of success. FIFA also knows that this kind of thing happen every where except the top countries but they will do nothing. IMO either they should cease the Age group tournament or take legal hard step.Otherwise I don't think so this picture will change any time soon. :(
    deepak dedhaDeb_Banshibierkartik91
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    Let's stop being hypocrites when it comes to soft punching bags being our boys. Africans dominated the junior worldcups becos they had age chaeating as a system, Iran, Iraq the list is plenty.

    But yes the easiest thing that people can do is trip our lads rather than speak about something else.

    These are kids, Don't spoil an occasion and life for something they don't have any control just becos you get your 15 secs of fame.

    This defames the entire team for just a couple of bad apples. Shame on those who think they can gain anything out of this.
    MikiBrainFallINDIAdeepak dedhagaffertapeshubham_northeasternshibierEastBengalPridesudheermylankalsouravindia
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Fuck it, fuck this team. All the drama regarding the players, coaches, age cheating, and piss poor results and organization from the AIFF... I am not expecting anything. This should be a great moment for Indian football but instead it has been tarnished (and yes, it HAS, not will). There was maybe a little promise before Adam was sacked but since then it has been nothing but shit!

    I am happy about this World Cup. I am happy that India will finally get a proper football tournament and that it can hopefully increase the exposure to the sport. I am also happy I get to finally see Indian stadiums in HD on my TV since the US matches will be live broadcasted on FOX Sports here. But I will watch in just general interest in this Indian team.

    I am happy that livemint article has come out. We need more of this.
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    @DX If they are knowingly increasing their age in a under-17 World Cup, deliberately hurting development of Indian football, then they can go take one. I don't give a shit if African countries do it Iran or Iraq etc. I care about India and the fact that it is rampant here is the problem!
  • gaffertapegaffertape 13047 Points
    African countries and Iraq/Iran etc probably age cheat  BUT all those countries have produced multiple top level footballers..
    They have LOCAL YOUTH FOOTBALL , they have :
    U-12, U-13, U-14, U-15,U-16,U-17 , U-18, U-19, U-20 leagues !!
    they choose to send the best players selected from their age group league to make a NATIONAL TEAM

    ( granted they may choose the best 25 players from the U-19 for a U-17 tournament ) 
    they have that choice

    More importantly after these MONTH LONG TOURNAMENTS , those "overage" players go back to play full league seasons ...

    We have neglected the before & after process of youth development , and think a typical "juggad" short cut will suffice

    Wake the f$^! up AIFF

    This U-17 team has stayed in the best Hotels , travelled all across the world , spend $25,000/month on the foreign coaches alone. ( While Floyd & Bibiano's teams get nothing )

    The cost of this current fiasco , we could've set up meaningful youth leagues in India, that would reap benefits in  10years 
    RonnyArsenalFan700Deb_Bankarenesudhakar2050debarghya89Ratuldev_pfcEastBengalPridesudheermylankalashindiaand 11 others.
  • Indian team lost the opportunity to practice under floodlights due to carelessness of Luis norton and smartness of Colombian coach.
    Both the teams choose conscient football academy for practice but Colombian coach booked it first for the prime time 6 to 8 when he comes to know that it is available.
    India will reach here on 26 sept and continue it's practice till 2nd October..!!!
  • Carbon_14Carbon_14 Bengaluru 4771 Points
  • karenesudhakar2050karenesudhakar2050 Hyderabad 1504 Points
    Can any one tell the age fraud name. Why didnt they conduct mri test  to all members dheeraj  is  also big age fraud

    I have dheeraj age fraud proof on aiff website itself!!

    In 2014 article it has been clearly mentioned by aiff that dheeraj is 15 years old

     Article was published on 6th June 2014 - Age 15 years 

    Assuming dheeraj bday on Aug 4 . 

    Aug 4, 2014 - 16 yrs old
    Aug 4, 2015 - 17 yrs old
    Aug 4, 2016 - 18 yrs old
    Aug 4, 2017 - 19 yrs old

    As per aiff website we can complete make out he is 19 years old
    ArsenalFan700ashindiasudheermylankalgoalkeepardeepugopiajeeshmohammed_87hassansouravindiamunna219777gaffertapeand 3 others.
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