India in 2018 FIFA World Cup



  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    India wont quality  the 2019 Asian Cup. Qualifying starts in 2017... almost 2 years from now. We are not good enough yet. And our infrastructure is not good enough to host and even by 2023 it wont be. A U17 World Cup is one thing but the top competition in Asia is another.
  • PondicherryPondicherry 341 Points
    India in 2018 FIFA world cup?! has anyone come out of coma? 
    Better topic should have been India in 2019 Asia cup and like @ArsenalFan700 said India won't qualify for the 2019 Asia cup, very true but there is a slight chance and even if we do, we would lose all games.

    First we should dominate in the SAFF region before thinking beyond our boundaries.  
  • preetampreetam 870 Points
    India wont quality  the 2019 Asian Cup. Qualifying starts in 2017... almost 2 years from now

    3 that time i think udanta, brandon, uttam will be in team....and balwant will be in full flow.....firing from all cylinders...
  • reddevil87reddevil87 1858 Points
    Guys everybody is talking about udanta, uttam, etc. but football is a team player. This I-league season has not only demonstrated that Indians are not only bad in striking department but other parts also. Talking about other parts, I feel midfield is weak for many clubs and I dont see many potential good young midfielders like john menyongar. Indian defenders are shit as usual thats why guys odafa bulldozes through. It will better to talk about whole team rather than Udanta, etc. So tell me who are good players in U-19/U-23 players :
    Midfielders : Brandon, Bidyanta (Indian neymar), ....??
    Defence : ...??
  • PondicherryPondicherry 341 Points
    Well said @reddevil87

    We can have sleeping players in the defense and then what is the use of having all the names that @preetam talked about. It sure is a team game and that is one of the reason why I am against people talking too much about Brandon as if he would score 10 goals every match to win us games.

    Right now and for the future we need a team, A Team.
  • preetampreetam 870 Points
    Watever team we have the fact remain the same india wil nt qualify in 2018....infact 2022 is very doubtful...
    this thread itself is daylight dreaming..
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    Please guys make your future 11
  • PondicherryPondicherry 341 Points
    @goalkeepar do you want to be part of it? give a shot at it pal.
  • rudrarudra 2958 Points
    I find the same pattern I used to see 5 years back.  Udanta, Brandon etc will come and then we will be a super team!
    Earlier it used to be Fela, Robin Singh, India youth team players into senior team. 
    Truly delusional.

    Recipe : Take one season wonder as someone who will be fully flowing, take junior team players whom you have seen 1-2 times or ever and think them as wonder kids, think of upcoming academies as La Masia and most importantly assume other countries are stagnant and not doing anything.
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