we want no change....we are happy..in how we are..

we the fans of kolkata football are happy in how we are......don't even dare to criticise our colours .are happy with our colour and design of the jersey...................i f somebody wants to do something new..thn he /she should built own club ...dont even think of us.....or forget about changing us...
Not a bad thread
we want no change....we are happy..in how we are.. <!-- s
They anyway dont want to change....they are not happy with most reforms suggested by AIFF...like limited matches by players etc
u guyz..read a little...and started critisizing..gd job bro..superb maturity....keep it up..
I think the statements, which I have marked with bold letters are the sources of confusion..it looks from them that u r making a general statement....anyways lets not fight over it...and nobody wants us to change colours....
Totally agree with you one jersies. No need to change colour of it..though design might be changed. Any way as Rudra pointed out you need to have more clarity in what you write <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->