National Team Supporters Nickname

indian_goonerindian_gooner 3543 Points
edited February 2012 in Indian Football Team
After baptising the national team with " THE BLUE TIGERS " , time has come to name ourselves to roar them loud to show the world and FIFA that sleeping giant is awakening and is ready for hunt.......with 121 crores behind and with the team....

So lets put down some cultures, traditions ,history of india to name our NT to name us..

Here is the list of names of NT supporters nicknames around the world..

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* The Tartan Army, travelling supporters of the Scotland national football team
* Sam's Army, supporters of the USA national football team
* Red Devil, supporters of the South Korea national football team
* Green and Gold Army, supporters of Australia national football team
* Green and White Army, supporters of Northern Ireland national football team
* The Voyageurs, supporters of the Canada men's and women's national football teams
* Roligans, supporters of the Denmark national football team
* Jalgpallihaigla, supporters of the Estonia national football team


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