Chirag had another chance by Vignesh...the problem with all Indian players (atleast in this game) is that whever they get a chance they try to shoot (almost always wide).... the players need to get in more and fox the goalie when they have space or only 1 man to beat
Gurwinder Singh playing Kabaddi! Free kick to Chirag but sailed away
<br><div><br></div><div>I saw some pics in fb where Gurwinder and Tolgey had a fight during training session... now I know it was part of training :P </div> )
Sunday's hattrick<div><br></div><div>assist by Vineeth... still feel Nandy cud have saved it...</div><div><br></div><div>Main culprit is EB defence</div>
<br><div><br></div><div>I saw some pics in fb where Gurwinder and Tolgey had a fight during training session... now I know it was part of training :P </div>