Number of players playing in league outside their country
New Zealand- 24(14)
Chinese Taipei 12(3)
*Numbers in bracket indicates number of players playing in top division in foreign leagues e.g. New Zealand has 24 players overall in leagues all over world out of which 14 plays in top division
*these numbers includes players playing outside domestic leagues
*technically Newzealand teams play in A-League but I excluded those players as they play from home club
*all numbers taken from Wikipedia (Its not like I simply copy pasted by adding numbers , I did check leagues in which they are playing and I hope I am fairly accurate) and it shows players tried by countries in recent matches (upto last year)
*this doesn't mean every player playing in foreign league is superior as not every player is part of EPL or LA LIGA but it shows that Indian players do prefer Playing in India and enjoy their comfort zone (money matters, may be yes Wont comment on that)
*One may think that these countries must have bad domestic leagues due to which these players go outside (thats debatable) but lets face it our leagues are Third class at their best and we are nowhere near what we can call "Development"
nice information brother...