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  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9305 Points
    A ban is coming, period. FIFA should ask FSDL to run Indian football and derecognize AIFF. All State FAs should be be given a choice, accept FSDL as the governing body or get derecognized. 
    goalkeepardeepuRonnydev_pfcgiridharandeepak dedha
  • deepudeepu Somaliya1621 Points
    edited July 2022
    Babuo ki ayiashi pe laat baj rahi h , to wo log shor to machayenge hi 
    Machane do shor lekin ye laat bajni jarooe chahiye aur aisi bajni chahiye ke aane waale same ka har babu jo us kursi oe bethe use darr rahe 
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    edited July 2022
    FIFA and AFC are equally responsible for this mess. They should have cracked the whip many years ago. AIFF signed the deal with Reliance long time ago. For few years, two leagues were going on and franchise of ISL didnt even fulfill AFC criteria.
    It is easy for FIFA to ban India due to interference of Supreme Court but what about two leagues and interference of private company ?
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    FIFA Laws regarding expulsion of a member

    1 The Congress may expel a Member :
    (a) if it fails to fulfil its financial obligations towards FIFA ; or
    (b) if it seriously violates the Statutes, regulations,
    decisions or the Code of Ethics of FIFA ; or
    (c) if it loses the status of an Association representing
    Association Football in its country.
    2 The presence of an absolute majority of Members entitled to vote at
    the Congress is necessary for an expulsion to be valid, and the
    motion for expulsion must be adopted by a three-quarter majority
    of the votes taken

    1 A Member’s bodies shall be either elected or appointed in that
    Association. A Member’s statutes shall provide for a procedure that
    guarantees the complete independence of the election or appoint-
    2 Any Member’s bodies that have not been elected or appointed in
    compliance with the provisions of par. 1, even on an interim basis,
    shall not be recognised by FIFA.
    3 Decisions passed by bodies that have not been elected or appoint-
    ed in compliance with par. 1 shall not be recognised by FIFA

    Status of Leagues and other groups of clubs
    1 Leagues or any other groups affiliated to a Member of FIFA shall be
    subordinate to and recognised by that Member. The Member’s
    statutes shall define the scope of authority and the rights and duties
    of these groups. The statutes and regulations of these groups shall
    be approved by the Member.
    2 Every Member shall ensure that its affiliated clubs can take all deci-
    sions on any matters regarding membership independently of any
    external body. This obligation applies regardless of an affiliated
    club's corporate structure. In any case, the Member shall ensure
    that neither a natural nor a legal person (including holding compa-
    nies and subsidiaries) exercises control over more than one club
    whenever the integrity of any match or competition could be jeop-

    1 The Congress is responsible for suspending a Member. The Executive
    Committee may, however, suspend a Member that seriously and
    repeatedly violates its obligations as a Member with immediate
    effect. The suspension shall last until the next Congress, unless the
    Executive Committee has lifted it in the meantime.
    2 A suspension shall be confirmed at the next Congress by a three-
    quarter majority of the votes taken. If it is not confirmed, the suspen-
    sion is automatically lifted.
    3 A suspended Member shall lose its membership rights. Other
    Members may not entertain sporting contact with a suspended
    Member. The Disciplinary Committee may impose further sanctions.
    4 Members which do not participate in at least two of all FIFA com-
    petitions over a period of four consecutive years shall be suspend-
    ed from voting at the Congress until they have fulfilled their obli-
    gations in this respect

  • dev_pfcdev_pfc Pune1937 Points
    there wont be a ban, FIFA wants Indian market.
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    Market will still be there after ban.
    TV Telecast of premier events like World Cup Euro Cup will not be banned. This is where FIFA earn money from India.
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points FSDL moves to court says they do not agree with promotion and relegation in ISL, FSDL made it clear in there 530 page failing that "No team will be allowed in ISL without paying Franchise fee"
  • giridharangiridharan Washington D.C4196 Points
    Only people who make money is FSDL. This model has no motivation. MLS players are least motivated to fight due to no relegation. There are many examples . They should introduce more clubs based on merit than money. After 2025 FSDL should be willing to let the franchise fee go. Their agreement expires there. Hopefully from there on I hope they be willing to let go of franchise fee and explore other options with another broadcaster.

    But granting I-League clubs promotion should also include passing licensing criteria. We don't need clubs shutting shop after one season at top tier.
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    8 out of 11 clubs in ISL failed to get AFC licence 😂 
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