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  • DXDX 4074 Points
    Agree with IMGR having control causing a few heads to get sour.

    But think was the domestic circuit better before 2010? Was closing of the clubs like JCT, Mahindra, FC Kochi due to the after effects of IMGR? NO.

    I would say Royal wahingdoh, Pune FC, Bharat FC took decisions on thier own to close operations but not having to do with IMGR or ISL.

    Only Sporting and Salgoacar have had direct impact due to IMGR takeover but then its because they wanted to be part of the top tier amd due to ego issues they wrapped up.

    I would say the roadmap not unvieled and played a couple of years earlier being the issue.

  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9301 Points
    Our football system is corrupt, inefficient and does not produce talents or results. A ban by FIFA is the only way to clean it up. 
  • deepakcdeepakc Mumbai 3416 Points
    Arunava is directly involved with one of the circus his comments are hardly surprising....a fifa ban should be the least of our worries if it is able to draw government attention and at least a partial clean up happens....
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 9976 Points
    The Hon. Court might decide that this PIL is beyond their jurisdiction, and refer it to FIFA/ AFC.
  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9301 Points
    I hope they don't. #banaiff #sackpatel
  • kartik91kartik91 Delhi1139 Points
    After the u17 wc , not many will mind a small ban for the cleansing of the system. Although the current roadmap is good imo if implemented correctly but mismanagement of aiff needs to be checked.
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Any type of ban would be bad.
  • kartik91kartik91 Delhi1139 Points
    But, wouldn't it be good if the ban results in wiping off the bureaucrats from corrupting the football system and appointing professionals. Atleast creating a fair election system and stating maximum terms for every post by a single person .
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    In an ideal world, yes, but the ban can also set Indian football back a lot, sponsors could be left wary and less money put into the game. Suspension would also hurt players and teams, no one would be considered "professional" for a bit, no national games, no league, no tournaments, no Asian competitions, nothing.

    And ya, fine, we can put all that aside and say "But we are talking about a short ban, not a big ban'. Mate, if you want change to a fair election from a ban it will only come from a ban that has a significant time period.
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Anyway, why anyone is even considering a ban as a realistic (and positive) thing, is ridiculous. This all began cause two former players just don't like what is going on even though they probably don't have as much of a clue as you and I and everyone else on this forum.
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