Indian Super League Season 1



  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Why bid for a player who is already under contract? Also a draft IMO allows for more thinking. You have 5 minutes to select one player, there is no bidding or anything, it is just your turn to pick one player who you feel you need but you must keep in mind that if you decide to not select a certain player, he may not be available the next time you are up.
  • footydipfootydip Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal2722 Points
    When the foreign players Auction will take place?
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    I think @gaffertape did a mistake by putting "C" instead of "B" in butia
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    @Goalkeeper Your an idiot if you do not think Trevor Morgan is a 15/10. 
  • footydipfootydip Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal2722 Points
    What's that % of loan fee shared. Is that the % of players salary in origin ( I league ) club?
  • spartasparta Jamshedpur FC2074 Points
    I think admins should start individual franchise pages from now on.
  • gaffertapegaffertape 13047 Points
    @goalkeeper , not to labor on the point too much , but it was an intentional spelling mistake, one which I have made in the past & will most likely continue to do so in the future.

    Bhaichung is a disgrace to Indian football for what he has done in the past few years.
    As a player , respect due to him was earned..but that time as past and his track record later doesn't warrant any respect :
    1. Disrespecting his club contract so he go to Mumbai to cavort on some dance show for money & publicity, 
    2. His role at FPAI as the chairman , was the most hypocritical even by Indian football standards , all talk about central contracts  & making sure clubs honour contracts, whilst at the same time he didn't pay his own players like Renedy , Sushil etc at United Sikkim FC
    3. The corruption to get USFC into the I-League , never got sent off despite his tackles (as a last man when he was playing as a defender ) which resembled rugby tackles, he even punched an opponent and got way with it. They managed to have the final round played in Sikkim , to give them the extra help needed. 
    4. When the team finally reached the I-League , they had a coach initially who didn't pass the criteria, who came up with some hair brain idea to have trials and select unknown players. Then recruited a Korean college kid to play in goal ! leading to cricket scores in the I-League. The problems off the field were just as bad with players not being paid on time , and led the demise of some promising careers... he tried to salvage some pride with bullshit promotion of Sandesh Jhingan for trials in China
    5. Trying to get all the players to sign for his agency with Anuj Kichlu so they can all then be sold to IMG-R for the ISL in 2013 was another of his devious money making scams, where he came up with outlandish valuations for washed up over age stars , including himself. All this whilst still being the head of the FPAI and on the AIFF Technical committee.
    6. His disastrous foray into politics, i won't get into the stupidity of him thinking a "Bhutia" well help bring votes in Gorkhaland area ! thats far too political for this forum...!
    Given he is on the U-17 World Cup technical committee and has no idea of any youth tournament , and cannot even make the time for this 1st meeting , it is clear his mind is only on making money & has no idea of what to do to improve the game in India.

    If we continue to think using guys like this on our committees will help Indian football, we are taking bigger steps backwards than we think.

    Guys like Bhaichung are a cancer on Indian football and the sooner we see the back of him the better.

    as for mohammed_87hassan wanting the thread removed...
    I'd like to think you would have a bit more sense...given your almost weekly requests for updates from me , especially with regards to Sporting Club de Goa.... why don't I just give you Oscar's number and you call him everyday instead ! 
    At least the post was factual and succinct, and I've had to waste 20mins justifying a simple comment....

    I call a spade a spade, and that's my opinion of Bhaichung , and I feel i have sufficient justification , you don't like it , move on and comment on Mayanti Langer instead !
    AshleshrudraArsenalFan700archakashindia7negidhritiman7gopiajeeshDXmohammed_87hassanand 3 others.
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