Nice article, if you guys have time, read it: "The new league will not be an answer to India's soccer woes". Comparing the ISL to a chocolate now, tasty but not healthy.
@Arsenalkid700 that 'company' initiated British occupation and started a centuries of colonial struggle and oppression. certain things are sensitive and can't be used as 'dark humour' in this forum atleast. Its a Indian forum. Period.
Someone in this forum was commenting about Kevin Peterson will bring Chelsea Club to India to play for Bangalore Franchise. I guess Pieterson is a liability even for IPL. Chelsea will listen to him??? I doubt if Pieterson can manage Free Pass for himself for Chelsea Games at Stamford Bridge. We in India give too much importance to old unfit retired players. )
@Pondicherry As per the article, firstly let this IPL-style football league get started only then we will know whether it has benefited Indian football or not.
I would like to ask the owners of Churchill Brothers why India is languishing at 145 in FIFA rankings? What has bengal & Goa teams done for the development of Indian football?
question shud be asked to AIFF first then goan and bengal owners are not making any profit then why they will care for for ranking after wim arrival india started playin friendly on fifa expect rise of india....