@Dominic you assumed it that someone from outside committed the murder didn't you? I would recommend the above mentioned article. When there is a problem, its important to recognize it than rake up the issue of regionalism unncessarily.
<br><br><br>Not assumed, but confirmed. This guy arrested is not original goan. I dont know who else may be arrested later, but this guy is outsider. We dont need article, we can see for ourselves. <br><br>And it is known fact that domestic tourist come here with moto of only watching these naked foreigners and create related problems. I have nothing against any particular state. We should end this topic now. Have a nice day.<br>
I appreciate how Dominic and goalkeeper have been mature about accepting the reality in contrast with @ashlesh who is yet to grow up. And Indians are free to live anywhere, allowed by the constitution as a fundamental right. So any srupod person talking against this is a criminal in the first place.
I am not saying that migrants or tourists are all saints. What I am emphasizing is that it is idiotic to classify criminals according to their region. Criminals are criminals and they are everywhere.
To be specific to dominic's statement. The guy's name is Surendra Pol and is supposed to belong to Gomantak Maratha clan. I don't know much about it..so am not stating anything
<br><br><br>Not assumed, but confirmed. This guy arrested is not original goan. I dont know who else may be arrested later, but this guy is outsider. We dont need article, we can see for ourselves. <br><br>And it is known fact that domestic tourist come here with moto of only watching these naked foreigners and create related problems. I have nothing against any particular state. We should end this topic now. Have a nice day.<br>
<br><br><br>But that is tea cup? How your soft drink is steaming. hahah<br><br><br>
I am not saying that migrants or tourists are all saints. What I am emphasizing is that it is idiotic to classify criminals according to their region. Criminals are criminals and they are everywhere.
To be specific to dominic's statement. The guy's name is Surendra Pol and is supposed to belong to Gomantak Maratha clan. I don't know much about it..so am not stating anything
<br><div><br></div><div>I am currently on my way to Goa... for science.</div>