Continuing my run of random stuff in my life: I was talking to this girl who does not go to my college yesterday. White girl and we were talking about how weird it is that I am Indian and I am NOT expected to marry an Indian girl... she literally thought that my parents would only allow me to go for Indian, lovely.
Kalyan Mazumdar is an ex-Air India official I guess. President is Dr. Pranab Dasgupta. None of them are exactly known for their political affiliation. The all powerful chief recruiter Debabrata (Nitu) Sarkar is close to all sorts of dirty pies in the city.
So no Footballer, Ex-Footballer or Football club has political affiliations with Left Front in West Bengal? They were in Power from 1977 to 2011. Now all wash-out?
Nothing of that sort; when the CPI(M) was in power, a lot of footballers and football clubs had affiliations with them. Tutu Bose was close to the LF but changed sides in 2000; two of East Bengal's finest players, Sasthi Duley (one of the architects of the Asean Cup triumph) and Dipankar Roy were reportedly close to the then sports minister, Subhas Chakraborty. It is just that these players/clubs know which side of the bread is buttered and change affiliations accordingly. However, some sports persons, apart from footballers, like Jyotirmoyee Sikdar, still have affiliations with LF and are contesting the polls for them.