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  • arunskumar148arunskumar148 Trivandrum387 Points
    Can anyone suggest me the best way to translate a pdf to english???
    please help..
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30216 Points
    A humorous take on the recent debates regarding the cow in our country...An article by Debomoy Ghosh in 'Ebela'


    The narrative of the cow has changed. One can no longer secure marks in the examination if one sticks to the conventional pattern of writing. Read on to find out a new essay on the cow

    A modern essay on cow


    The cow is a Chief Minister maintained animal. The cow has four legs, two horns, one tail and an invisible long arm. This long arm extends from Lucknow’s Kalidas Marg to Delhi’s Ashoka Road. The cow comes in different colours—white, black, brown and saffron.

    The cow provides us with milk. The cow’s milk is very nutritious. But it is well known that the nutrients present in one litre of milk pales in comparison to the piety achieved in protecting one holy cow. Shoes are made of cow’s hide. But one may get a hiding if one makes shoes out of cowhide. Nowadays, the value of a human being’s life is equal to that of a cow’s life. Just as in the case of human beings, slaughter of cows can now lead to life imprisonment.

    Just like the country’s Prime Minister, Chief Minister and other VIPs, the cow too now possesses personal bodyguards. Previously, those who looked after cows were known as shepherds. Nowadays, we have the ‘Gorakshaks’ and the ‘Gosevaks’.

    The cow is a very harmless creature. But even tigers and lions now have to think twice before eating a cow. The cow itself is extremely gentle, but this gentle being is creating turmoil even in the nation’s Parliament.

    The cow is the attendant of Lord Krishna. No one seems to have considered it in that light until recent times. Recently, people have started respecting it. If someone were to raise hands on a cow, the result would be fatal. The cow is hogging attention in the TV channels and newspapers on a daily basis. Today, no one minds a bit if he is abused as a ‘cow’.

    In spite of his newfound status and the importance given to him, the cow still retains its harmless, innocent look. It is impossible to decipher from his gaze whether he is happy or sad by the razzle-dazzle about him.

    In other news, the lack of beef has led to food crisis in some zoos.  Some regions are facing a meat crisis. The way the population of cows is increasing due to the promptitude of the Gorakshaks, it is feared that there may be a crisis regarding grass and straw in the near future. The scarcity of grass may lead to a crisis in the existence of other herbivores. But as of new they fail to understand this logic.

    Disclaimer: This essay is mainly a figment of a nightmare. It does not bear any resemblance to reality. Even if it does, it does not mean to hurt anyone’s sentiments. :) :p

  • BrainFallINDIABrainFallINDIA India7392 Points
    edited April 2017
    Man ,these cows . Sometimes i feel it defies the logic . I see people letting their cows roam freely on the main roads and galis , letting them eat whatever garbage they can find, defecating on the road or anywhere they want  .These people come back at night to milk the cow and leave it on it's own .People abuse it when they block the road or defecate in their streets. The weirdest thing I've witnessed is when i saw a guy who looked like a pandit and undoubtedly in good health goes on begging from house to house with his decorated cow. Even weirder when people actually give money to him. 
    I'm sorry if i have offended anyone . I follow the same religion but I'm failing to understand the logic behind this.
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30216 Points
    There are 'cows' and then there are 'sacred cows'....One needs to love and protect the first---just like any other living creature and destroy the second to build a progressive and forward-looking society
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus29731 Points
    Holy Cow Slaughter is banned in most of India from 1950's only meat from bulls and buffaloes is obtained from which most is exported to Gulf,southeast Asia and China the low quality leftover beef is consumed by some community's in India Politicians simply misguiding people in name of religion and creating problems and heated between community's.
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    @ArsenalFan700 There is a wiki editor by the name spitfire na?
  • namewtheldnamewtheld Kolkata5665 Points
    Reviewing the comments by @goalkeepar on AIFF Champions Cup thread, the IFN Admin Team has decided to ban him for 7 days starting 12th April. This kind of provocation and sly remarks against members will not be tolerated. We also understand that Real AG was under provocation, hence no action shall be taken against him.
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