National Team Nickname



  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    ya he is missing for sometime now.
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10132 Points
    ... is this the right thread? ...
  • namewtheldnamewtheld Kolkata5665 Points
    @joyptan does visit the forum regularly but probably he doesnt find enough time to post. Even @sanvedjadhav comes here to check post but doesnt post. He says some idiotic posts by some users piss him off so he doesnt take part!
  • just browsed this post...interesting history about how the Indian NT name change from Bhangra Boys to the Current one.. I recollect reading Arunva article few years back  mentioning why Bhangra boys was apt and that  it was all due to him but remember thinking how can Bhangra boys  be a representation on  a country like India...

    The History of IFN was also quite enlightening, good to know our founding Father @ Somesh  & @ Rudra are still with us... It sure must have taken a lot of passion patience and late nights to keep IFN  afloat and keep it Running in newer and newer iterations..cheers to you guys  and the admins and off course all d members.

    I am of the opinion that when theer is a IFN aniversary or a special occasion , the inception and history of the Forum must be blogged or articled, it will keep IFN history for records .... i bet a lot of non IFN  Football fans would love reading it..who knows it may even swell our member base.

    totally agree with the idea of contacting old members and getting them back, like @goalkeeper mentioned i also wonder where is @joses12 , his comments were a treat to read...hopefully will browse though some old threads and make a list of names time permitting...

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