Exposure Tours for 2017 U17 FIFA World Cup



  • The real AGThe real AG 3324 Points
    There are no "main academy players" in youth systems, particularly in the better youth teams. There will be new players from younger age groups tried at different points in the season to see if they are ready for a step up to that age level.

    Regardless of the players used, Benfica have an outstanding academy and you can bet every player in their academy is close to among the better players in Portugal (and outside). 
    deepak dedha
  • FahuFahu 207 Points
    if u watch the game against Benfica u cant say that the team played was the first team. India had a very good midfield before but now there is nothing going in the center of the pitch.direct balls are played, hav some tall players but the most important thing u notice is that the best 11 players we had in Adams team finding it difficult to get to the starting 11. Suresh,Komathem,komal etc all touch the ball very rarely and not getting their usual dribbling skills
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    we don't care about style of play results are important.
    BrainFallINDIADeb_Bandeepak dedhasudheermylankalDX
  • results are important but style of play matters in development of players in long term..

    unfortunately we are failure in both 
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    Teams have won world cups with long balls.
  • NaujawanNaujawan 1621 Points
    Teams have won world cup with formations like 2:4:4  that doesn't mean we do that in modern football
  • ashindiaashindia 9550 Points
    Estroil 4-1 India. 
  • 7negi7negi India10890 Points
    AIFF has spoiled good team with change of coaching staff just before World Cup 
  • karenesudhakar2050karenesudhakar2050 Hyderabad 1504 Points
    negi it is not a good team it is age fraud team  adams openly encouraged age fraud. adams  is one dimensional coach he doesnt know what to do when his plan  doesnt work :'(
  • 7negi7negi India10890 Points
    @karenesudhakar2050  its not adam fault if AIFF is not strict on age fraud and promoted over age players in previous batches . Age fraud is not problem of India U-17 team its problem our system . Why teams are allowed to field the over age players in U-14 , U-16 Championship . Coach has to choose players from these championship only and what ever are available to him . Adam done same and new coach has done same . If some players were Age fraud in Adam team then those players are still part of the team.

    Issue Adam was strict coach and usse hamare nazuk players ki Gan* padti ti bas aur kuch nahi .
    goalkeeparkarenesudhakar2050deepak dedhamunna219777Carbon_14Sanjeev Biswassouravindiakartik91
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