Intercontinental Cup 2019



  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30182 Points
    Excluding Raynier was a very bad decision by Stimac. Not including Serition too. IMO guys like Pronay and Borges should not be there in the team any more.
    Amarjit was the most hardworking player today. Broke the opposition attack quite a few times and delivered some excellent crosses, though he made some mispasses too.
  • ChelseafanChelseafan Allahabad1655 Points
    I am sorry but Constantine for all his follies, gave us 4 good, consistent years with national team. He started badly but remember he had to start rebuilding the entire ream from scratch after the disastrous Koevermans regime. He blooded youngsters like changte, Thapa, Daniel etc. And yes, he gave results. And btw his team also played decent passing football with wing play. His minus point was lack of a Plan B and an overtly defensive approach against stronger teams. But was that really bad, considering the inability of Indian players to play with ball at their feet and lack of an iota of gaming sense, positional play, off the ball movement, pressing etc? Constantine played to the strength of Indian players - ability to work hard, mental toughness and set pieces. And he was the first one to introduce GPS monitored fitness training for national team players. Under him players were much more fitter and had better stamina. And last but not the least, those people saying Consti only played against weak teams are maybe forgetting out matches against Chiba, Jordan, New Zealand, Kenya (they may have sent their B team but still much better then our main team), Puerto Rico, Laos etc. We drew with China 0-0 and lost to Jordan by a solitary goal with our C team!! Please appreciate facts
  • samsam 16526 Points
    AIFF spends so much on foreign tour of U16 and U17s. So, I have hard time to believe that they did not allow India NT to go for camps in Europe now. All Europeans, small and big are playing pre season friendlies now, we would have easily got opponents to play, specially with Stimac's connection 
  • samsam 16526 Points
    Chelseafan all was going on nicely until you included Laos in the strong opponent list  :/
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30182 Points
    @Chelseafan; Constantine consistently ignored players like Brandon, Mandar, Adil, Joby etc and gave chance to sub-standard players like Passi, Narayan Das and Holicharan Narzary. What about that?
  • DEFENCE123DEFENCE123 India657 Points
    The 2 friendlies on July 29th and August 10th will hopefully be against European teams
  • ashindiaashindia 9365 Points
    edited July 2019
    My Ratings for the Match -

    Amrinder - 2
    Pritam Kotal - 2
    Sandesh - 3
    Bose - 3
    Jerry - 2
    Amarjit - 4
    Borges - 1
    Brandon - 3
    Sunil - 6
    Joby -3
    Manvir - 3

    Subs -
    Channgte - 6
    Sahal - 5
    Thapa - 4
    Rahul - 3
    Adil - 2
    Udanta - 3
  • ajmalajmal 1208 Points
    We dont have enough good defensive players.. Thats the reason why we have conceded.. Even constantine would have got the same results with these players..Once our final 11 is fixed,  they sure are going to play a lot of games.. the new players will get a lot of experience (which they dont have now), they wJill be in good shape when they play games in the asian cup qualifiers.. 
  • ChelseafanChelseafan Allahabad1655 Points
    And why is no one talking about Raynier Fernandes for the position of CDM? Raynier played really well in the Kings Cup and can easily replace Haldar or Borges. To me the ideal midfield would be Raynier (CDM), Thapa (Box to box) and Sahal (Either CM attacking or CAM) with Amarjit and Brandon to be used as Subs.
  • samsam 16526 Points
    You have to be on weed to play Manvir in wing and keeping Udanta/Changte in bench. This can't be called as experiment. Next he will play Chhetri as GK.
    I don't care. If 11 Passis and consta as coach bring nice results for Ind I will be happy.
    Now fans are tolerating all these nonsense by Stimac only because Stimac has satisfied their ego by including their favorites in the starting XI, even if sometime in the wrong position and wrong time. Fans were shouting their lungs out for these inclusions in recent years. For these fans their ego is more important than Ind's result in FIFA approved matches. 
    sudheermylankaldev_pfcAbhishekmunna219777Carbon_14rathorevarun4 goalkeepar
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