Should we make a new league.



  • U guys are such fighters! Fighting for the cause of Indian football and fighting among urselves! <!-- s:confusion-scratchheadyellow: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/confusion/scratchheadyellow.gif" alt=":confusion-scratchheadyellow:" title="Yellow Scratching Head" /><!-- s:confusion-scratchheadyellow: -->
    its not a fight my dear...its the passion and anticipation that we have for our football and our thought on it....!! <!-- s:handgestures-thumbup: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/handgestures/thumbup.gif" alt=":handgestures-thumbup:" title="Thumb Up" /><!-- s:handgestures-thumbup: -->
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    i know passion is necessary but look at indian poltical situtation. too many parties thus resulting in fighting more and development less
  • ashindiaashindia 9551 Points
    For now lets give the senior team more exposure and have more age group tournaments and lastly women's league is not feasible when your men's league itself struggling to survive.

    Women's League would be nothing but a disaster.No corporates would want to commit suicide.
  • i know passion is necessary but look at indian poltical situtation. too many parties thus resulting in fighting more and development less
    once again, my dear, its not a fight, rather it can be termed as a wealthy strong debate....okay??
  • For now lets give the senior team more exposure and have more age group tournaments and lastly women's league is not feasible when your men's league itself struggling to survive.

    Women's League would be nothing but a disaster.No corporates would want to commit suicide.
    <!-- s:bow-plusone: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/bow/plusone.gif" alt=":bow-plusone:" title="PlusOne" /><!-- s:bow-plusone: -->
  • For now lets give the senior team more exposure and have more age group tournaments and lastly women's league is not feasible when your men's league itself struggling to survive.

    Women's League would be nothing but a disaster.No corporates would want to commit suicide.

    Thats a very sexist comment there ash. Are you sure you are not an Indian version of Andy Grey. :)
  • Ya remember when I said that we should have our own league. I kinda take that back now...

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""; onclick=";return false;"> ... eason.html</a><!-- m -->

    If the best Women's league in the world cant survive then what can in India. England has the only viable women's league but that only works for small countries. We have a long time to wait now.

    I actually think though that the current Women's championship is good now when you think about it. All they need is a new format, scouts at all the games and some marketing and your well good.
  • sachimsachim 131 Points
    We should make a Womens league of the lines of Malaysian League like the respective FAs fielding sides with some clubs.......
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