Introduction Thread



  • HaroldHarold Germany38 Points
    Im from Leipzig. Eastern part oft Germany.
  • footydipfootydip Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal2722 Points
    Welcome to IFN mate. 
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Great... now we have to ask... what you feel about RB?
  • HaroldHarold Germany38 Points
    Puh, thats easy to say. Brands like this are destroing the traditional Football in every country. We felt very angry when RB was coming to ask also our club if they can buy us. All our fans made a vote, that we didnt want this and RB got no chance to buy Lokomotive Leipzig. They asked alot of other clubs germanwide like Unterhaching etc but they all refused it. Only one small club infront the doors of Leipzig called SSV Makranstaedt said, yes, we are buyable and they sold theyre playrights for 10 Mio Euro. And then RB was buying more and more players (Budget was 100 Mio Euro duration 5 years) 6th league cause they have infinite money...thats really bad...and now this year they will relegate to 1st league.

    In Leipzig there are 2 traditional teams called Lokomotive Leipzig (which im fan) and Chemie Leipzig. They have no money, no big sponsor (RB is no sponsor, RB is owner of the club) but we have real footballfans which are going through any win and lost with heart. We rebuild our club in 2003 with only the fans and had to start in the 11st league, cause the club was bankrupt. We startet with a world record (12500 attendence on last league of a country) and now we hope to relegate this year to 4th league.

    Im drifting, sry ;)

    I dont like football is more and more becomming a financial/comercial thing, i like the real sport more. RB Leipzig is a product and the "fans" are advertiser when they put up theire scarfs with RED BULL on it...but these guys dont understand, that football is for heart and emotion and not for seeing wins everytime they go to the stadium.

    I could write more and real football fan in germany likes RB.

    Hopefully times will change the situation but i dont think is for you and me, not for f***ing industry!

  • HaroldHarold Germany38 Points
    And now you understand better why im interested in indian Football, cause there is a lot more about the sport.
  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10454 Points
  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10454 Points
  • afca_kolkataafca_kolkata kolkata7 Points
    Hi All This is Pradip From AFCA - Kolkata, an amateur football club association made with 24 amateur football team at kolkata , we are going to start A Saturday Sunday Football League at Kolkata,
    Please visit our blog for more information

    Thank U Very much

  • Rav92Rav92 Kolkata1660 Points
    Hi everybody...myself Sourav from Kolkata. I follow this forum since 2 years from now, so I am quite familiar with all of you. I am hugely passionate about indian football and my dream is, to see one day the Indian team will play the FIFA World Cup. I dont know it is possible or not but I am very much hopeful about that.and last but not the least I am a Mohun bagani   :)
  • CybertronCybertron 402 Points
    Indian multinational companies should buy a Bundesliga club in Germany and give opportunies to young and promising Indian footballers in future.

    But they should't make the mistake of Venky's Ltd with Blackburn Rovers.
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