I dont mind. At least when they show IPL on TV the match looks better quality than an I-League game. I-League needs cheerleaders, TV quizes. Hot women news people
I dont mind. At least when they show IPL on TV the match looks better quality than an I-League game. I-League needs cheerleaders, TV quizes. Hot women news people
even if i league brings cheerleaders... i doubt about the quality aiff will bring :P
I dont mind. At least when they show IPL on TV the match looks better quality than an I-League game. I-League needs cheerleaders, TV quizes. Hot women news people
even if i league brings cheerleaders... i doubt about the quality aiff will bring :P
what a cracker of a match will be on 20th!!!<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input jscode="leoInternalChangeDone()" onclick="if(typeof(jsCall)=='function'){jsCall();}else{setTimeout('jsCall()',500);}" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><div id="refHTML"></div>
I dont mind. At least when they show IPL on TV the match looks better quality than an I-League game. I-League needs cheerleaders, TV quizes. Hot women news people
even if i league brings cheerleaders... i doubt about the quality aiff will bring :P
I am also expecting the AIFF officials to force there "hot" wifes to cheer.
<br><div><br></div><div>Who is this Manchester City you speak of.</div>