any bilateral sports event with Pakistan is subject to approval by Indian Government. Whenever any sports event is there, BJP, and far right hindu party people get an opportunity to criticise government. so Central Govt is not that keen on sports event. I guess last minute cancellation of this event also.<br>
<br><br>Why ?? Without Bangladesh this tourney will be financially flop.<br><br>You should be thankful to British South Asia(Indians,Paks and Banglas) population because of whom these matches are possible <br>
common champions trophy is going to happen where india and pakistan are grouped together...<div><br></div><div>so if that doesnt have any problem for the goverment why shoould football cause them worries??</div><div><br></div><div>any way it is in neutral venue,.... it should be on hopefully</div>
<br><br>Why ?? Without Bangladesh this tourney will be financially flop.<br><br>You should be thankful to British South Asia(Indians,Paks and Banglas) population because of whom these matches are possible <br>