Indian Football Transfer News, Rumors and Gossips 2014-15



  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Well, in his defense, these guys have not exactly lit the world on fire yet. Now, I have NEVER seen Fernandes play so I am going based on the small clips I have seen, the matches I have seen in the South African 3rd Division, and what I hear from people and what I see from his attitude.

    At this point, because of his age and the injury, he should not return to India. The league does not start till December. What the hell will he do for half a year? That was a mistake on my part for saying that. He should try to make it abroad but where it will help him develop. He is a fast player with good technical ability on the ball. He is not very strong but has potential to build up. He should try the Netherlands or Belgium. These places are known for their development of footballers and have done very well in that regard. Fernandes could learn a lot from being in these countries.
  • gaffertapegaffertape 13046 Points
    The marquee thing is backed by Wim, he wants to rid the league of "useless Africans" to quote him
  • so what will Bengaluru FC do ???
    I mean only one foreign spot left .....
  • 7negi7negi India10890 Points
    About Brandon - He was injured and now just recovering from injury .. his dad wants  him return to Capetown and earn back his peak fitness as he is not sure how coaches in India can help him to build his physique  as `he was saying that during his all trials . coaches of European club found him technically sound but he just lack some physique ...

    so may be with proper 1-2 months training in capetown .. he will be back next season ..
  • gaffertapegaffertape 13046 Points
    John Johnson will count as a marquee for BFC...he has played Premier League. ..albeit as a sub in 1 game.

    Callum Angus stalling on Dempo deal...might look elsewhere...just like Duffy

    ISL booklet rules..
    7 foreigners allowed...5 must be from IMG-R pool. ..other 2 will be allowed if IMG-R approves of them !
    14 Indian player's. ..must be from the IMG-R pool of player's.
    You can opt to add 5 more Indians from outside the pool.

    Looks like a great way for IMG-R to make money om the player's
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    So no 10 foreigners
  • gaffertapegaffertape 13046 Points
    6 in the line up, 1 foreigner on the bench !

    5 Indians on the field and  6 on the bench !

    Farce all around , so far...lets see if it improves
  • preetampreetam 870 Points
    r u in fb wid in d name f gaffrtape wood
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    How the hell does Johnson count as a bloody DP!?
  • rudrarudra 2958 Points
    edited May 2014
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