New coach for Indian Football Team



  • No i dont think trvor morgan is good enough to coach indian team....he is good in southeast asia but will fail when face top teams in asia....indian super leage standerd is beyond south east asian football....morgan is not succesfull in indian superleage...his team is strugling against top isl we need to change ourt mind....he cannot take india to top asian level...there are many other better coaches than morgan in isl
  • Regardless whoever is going to coach the Indian National team, he wouldn't get any result for the next few years, thanks mainly due to the Assistant coach. First get kick that Savio out or is he out? Then buildup a team, can't see anyone other than a few, 3 or 4, part from Sunil. The AIFF has a load of time to select their coaching staff, why not hire an Indian to do so? 

    Really, what is a guy going to do coming from Germany or Australia or Netherlands. We still would play like how we always play, we just don't have good players. Save that money for academies for now. Once again, get rid of Savio.
  • After bob houghtons golden era savio mederia took us to stone age..after savios apointment indian team started to decline slowly.....after one year aiif sacked savio but he was present in indian football team as assistant coach...thats why wim covermans failed in india....and savio mederia wasted indian football teams 10 years....
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    So... I know this would mean nothing but personally after finding out about Marco Pezzaiuoli I kinda want the guy to coach India.
  • RonnyRonny 10576 Points
    lets have Marco Materazzi as India's coach
  • ashindiaashindia 9568 Points
    Even I thought the same, pretty good as of now but maybe not enough experienced to coach NT straightaway. 
  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10495 Points
    Marco will go to Europe I think
    He is here probably to get managing experience

    If he wins ISL may be he can easily find a midtable Serie A club
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Marco coaching in Serie A? Hahaha... god... hahahahhhahahaha... ahhh, good stuff :p
  • 7negi7negi India10890 Points
    India to get Senior team coach before federation cup in december 

    U-17 team coach will be appointed in november .
  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10495 Points
    @rohan if Franco.columba can then marco can
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