<h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1}"> <span class="messageBody" data-ft="{"type":3}">JRB
has chosen his best XI from everyone he played with over the years at Bagan. <br></span></h6><h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1}"><span class="messageBody" data-ft="{"type":3}">Goal - Hemanta Dora. Defence - Dulal B, Debjit
G, Omolo S, Lolendra S. Midfield - James S, Satyajit C, Basudeb M,
Renedy S. Strikers - JRB & Bhaichung B.</span></h6><span><span class="UIActionLinks UIActionLinks_bottom" data-ft="{"tn":"=","type":20}"><button class="like_link stat_elem as_link" title="Like this item" type="submit" name="like" data-ft="{"tn":">","type":22}"></button></span></span>
<br><div><br></div><div>So, none of the current players find a place in his list </div>
<h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1}"> <span class="messageBody" data-ft="{"type":3}">JRB
has chosen his best XI from everyone he played with over the years at Bagan. <br></span></h6><h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1}"><span class="messageBody" data-ft="{"type":3}">Goal - Hemanta Dora. Defence - Dulal B, Debjit
G, Omolo S, Lolendra S. Midfield - James S, Satyajit C, Basudeb M,
Renedy S. Strikers - JRB & Bhaichung B.</span></h6><span><span class="UIActionLinks UIActionLinks_bottom" data-ft="{"tn":"=","type":20}"><button class="like_link stat_elem as_link" title="Like this item" type="submit" name="like" data-ft="{"tn":">","type":22}"></button></span></span>
<br><br><br><div>So, none of the current players find a place in his list </div>
<br><br><br>Rudra,<br> That was soooo funny. i was ROFL when I was thinking
of Omolo vis-a-vis Anwar Ali and Kinshuk vis-a-vis Debjit Ghosh, hell
and heaven difference between Anwar and Omolo, not even comparable. In
central midfield, Masih and Maithani is no match to Satyajit and Basudeb
Mondal. and we are talking about not too long ago, unimaginable how
much the quality of players and professionalism deteriorated in such a
short span of time. No wonder, everyone abroad is coming in terms to
reality that the entire India shining story is all hype.<br><div><br></div><br>
Guys, I said that in a dejected manner that Mohun Bagan recruitment has been poor in recent times <br> #:-S
<br><br>We all are in it together, mate. <br><br>As you well know, being involved in most MB facebook groups, time and again, I have pointed out a couple serious deficiencies hampering MB's success, which needs to be rectified ASAP.<br>1. ARBRITARINESS in player recruiting, there's absolutely zero research, not an iota of science, logic or best practices behind it.<br><br>2. The Academy needs to be uplifted to TFA standards right away without even waiting for another day, following which persevering effort to emulate the best and brightest of soccer academies, internationally, maybe an Ajax or a Fulham or a Barcelona for that matter.<br><br>If action is taken on these couple fronts and seriously so, I don't see any reason why MB won't taste success nationally, maybe even win some in AFC club cup as well, scrape into semi final stage, if the above two can be done RIGHT. The Infrastructure development which is slated to happen over the next couple months before start of next season is very very praiseworthy, steps in the right direction for sure, infrastructure starved Indian football is.<br>The academy infrastructure, both facilities and training methods/processes/personnels needs an uplift as well, not just the senior team just because it's the one which gets a hell lot of public/media attention<br>
<br><div><br></div><div>So, none of the current players find a place in his list
<br><br><br>Rudra,<br> That was soooo funny. i was ROFL when I was thinking
of Omolo vis-a-vis Anwar Ali and Kinshuk vis-a-vis Debjit Ghosh, hell
and heaven difference between Anwar and Omolo, not even comparable. In
central midfield, Masih and Maithani is no match to Satyajit and Basudeb
Mondal. and we are talking about not too long ago, unimaginable how
much the quality of players and professionalism deteriorated in such a
short span of time. No wonder, everyone abroad is coming in terms to
reality that the entire India shining story is all hype.<br><div><br></div><br>
<br><br>https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/485677_401576669875180_100000685527455_1317590_1335419731_n.jpg<br><br>Wouldn't be too surprised if East Bengal supporters join the party as well in form of some representation by the fans club EBRP and the like, given their deference to Barreto, not only as a player but as a human too, if their comments in facebook groups is any indication. Above is a link to a snapshot of some of their comments<br>
<br><br>We all are in it together, mate. <br><br>As you well know, being involved in most MB facebook groups, time and again, I have pointed out a couple serious deficiencies hampering MB's success, which needs to be rectified ASAP.<br>1. ARBRITARINESS in player recruiting, there's absolutely zero research, not an iota of science, logic or best practices behind it.<br><br>2. The Academy needs to be uplifted to TFA standards right away without even waiting for another day, following which persevering effort to emulate the best and brightest of soccer academies, internationally, maybe an Ajax or a Fulham or a Barcelona for that matter.<br><br>If action is taken on these couple fronts and seriously so, I don't see any reason why MB won't taste success nationally, maybe even win some in AFC club cup as well, scrape into semi final stage, if the above two can be done RIGHT. The Infrastructure development which is slated to happen over the next couple months before start of next season is very very praiseworthy, steps in the right direction for sure, infrastructure starved Indian football is.<br>The academy infrastructure, both facilities and training methods/processes/personnels needs an uplift as well, not just the senior team just because it's the one which gets a hell lot of public/media attention<br>
<br><div><br></div><div>Even I saw many EB fans congratulating and praising him in common groups</div>