Mohun Bagan Super Giant News



  • projenatorprojenator 26 Points
    This season has been a GREAT START till date to the "modernization" process.

    1. Coach was recruited and players recruited as advised by coach and technical committee (comprised of ex players), not to mention that a few cut money cases might have scraped through but still much better than last few years.  

    Overall in my view, barring a few cases, recruiting was done very scientifically and I am satisfied. I must admit there is scope for improvement, though.

    2. Foreign physical trainer along with doctor and physio doing all kinds of tests a couple of weeks before practice started followed by regular monitoring, from fat percentage to stamina, endurance to soccer test

    3. Pre season started very early and we are already four weeks into the pre season if I am not wrong, first practice match against Bhutan university scheduled this week.

    4. Renovation of gallery with bucket seats, although those who have checked the bucket seats are of the view that the backrests and way too flexible and therefore suck.

    5. Foreigners selected by coach and technical committee, all foreigners look great on paper, provided they have full fitness and adjust well to HARSH INDIAN CONDITIONS( given that a couple of them are from leagues with better infrastructure), should be a force to reckon with

    So far, so good. Now remains a modernized dressing room and own gym on club premises.

    All the protests at the ground and on facebook seemed to have finally produced some effect on the officials having woken them up from their deep slumber. Also elections are due in September, that's the most important reason, remains to be seen whether this process continues post elections or gets stalled.

  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10059 Points
    Welcome back, @Projenator, your absence for all these days were felt. 

    And thanks for the MB summery with backgrounders. So MB are planning to host their I-league matches in their ground. Any news on Dressing Room and Gym (and Press Room, if I may add)? 
  • projenatorprojenator 26 Points

     work has not started on dressing room and gym yet but they are in the works. Right now bucket chairs in green maroon colors are being installed in the gallery, there are pictures of those floating around on the internet, will post one later. HOpefully the next in line will be the modernized dressing room.

    Haven't heard anything about press rooms.

    Not sure about I league games, since floodlights are still in a state of disrepair but cfl games for sure. 

    I feel very optimistic the way things have gone over the past couple months given the kind of folks in the management, I am praying that the momentum continues. Srinjoy Bose, the acting general secretary in the absence of Mitra has been a breath of fresh air this far, hopefully he continues in the same reign, not sure how long will that be since he has always been more interested in cricket than football. Bagan bloomed under him in cricket when Mitra Dutta combo was messing up big time in the footballing department.

    The academy at durgapur needs to be reworked as well, the calcutta center in salt lake needs to be scaled up from the barebones which it is right now. 
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10059 Points
    So Srinjoy Bose is doing this. Great. From where are the finances coming? Sponsor money? Aren't the floodlights part of the plan?

    ..."Calcutta center in salt lake" ... do they have one?
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    This Bose guy seems to know what he is doing. Who cares if he comes from cricket and he loves it, if he can modernize Bagan then let it happen and show IMG who the real club of Kolkata is.

    East Bengal and Mohun Bagan are the real clubs. Atletico de Kolkata is just some marketing gimmick for some Spanish team.
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    As mentioned let september end
  • rudrarudra 2958 Points
    I know this is not gonna impress people here. But anyways, a decent pre-season for Mohun Bagan has started.

    Mariners wins exhibition match against Royal University of Bhutan

    The 1st half team of McDowell Mohun Bagan (4-3-3 formation) - Debjit Majumder, Satish Singh, Jony Routh, Kinshuk Debnath, Dhanachandra Singh, Lalkamal Bhowmick, Souvik Chakraborty, Sehnaj Singh, Katsumi Yusa, C. S. Sabeeth, Manish Bhargav.

    The 2nd half team of McDowell Mohun Bagan (4-3-3 formation) - Vinay Singh, Satish Singh, Sonam Bhutia, Kinshuk Debnath, Sukhen Dey, Sehnaj Singh, Pankaj Moula, Ujjal Howladar, Ram Malik, C. S. Sabeeth, Katsumi Yusa.

  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus29677 Points
    what was the score and who scored?
  • hadfadkarhadfadkar 1236 Points
    Mohun Bagan won 3-0. Sabeeth scored 2 and 1 own goal
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus29677 Points
    sabeeth is very underrated striker he can do well now as there is no Boot thrower selfish odafa
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