Mohun Bagan Super Giant News



  • KoustubhKoustubh Kolkata219 Points
    Yes Lenny and Bikramjit is there also Sauvik Chakraborty is also there
  • KoustubhKoustubh Kolkata219 Points
    One news is there that Sunil will play this year in Bengal for some personal reason .But not known which team. But when Tutu Bose told that then half deal is close.
  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9301 Points
    Unless Bagan buys out Chhetri from BFC, he can't come.
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Sunil Chhetri to Peerless SC!
  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9301 Points
    Lol..from AFC Cup to CFL second tier.
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10062 Points
    edited November 2015
    Mitra the Crook wanted members' contribution to create fund for next year's recruitment. And he won't take Norde if budgets do not permit. Now Tutu has come back from abroad and has announced that Santa (Claus) has arrived, and in an official letter to Mitra (very unusual for friends) he said that the Norde deal is a commitment and MB should honour it. He has also said that is he will foot the bills.

    All these cheap drama tell us that the sponsorship issue is more complex than can be viewed in naked eye. Instead of sorting the tangle of sponsorship, they are banking on personal contributions. The deal papers are not public. Probably, MB crooks -- Tutu himself alongwith Mitra -- had sold the club to the sponsor when the deal was struck, and now they cannot get out of the deal. The Sponsor is (part-)owner now.  It could be seen also from the delay in filing the case against USL, because they themselves only know that the case is leaning against MB.

    The members now should collect funds to flog them on their bare buttocks.
  • Soham_DeSoham_De Kolkata1673 Points
    very callous of mitra and co , and you cant really blame tutu bose he is perfect businessman
  • AKBAKB Kolkata3039 Points
    Earlier it was 4-0, now it is 3-1 (Tutu, Srinjay, DD - Crooked Mitra). Because of this..... that rascal retracted and contradicted his earlier statement on Sony Norde. Due to the personal friendship Tutu, Srinjay, DD trio just can't throw the rascal away which is very badly affecting the Club administration & functioning. The above trio themselves are no saints, thus they are unable to kick Mitra out. But just as all good things come to an end, I hope the evil effect has to end.....sooner the better.
    The vegetable named Mitra is still clinging on to the chair much to the disgust of all supporters & members. Don't think there will be any change in Club administration unless the "Sochib" is called up-stairs to become "Sochib" there.
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10062 Points
    What is this:
    If the shareholders of USL in one side and MB on  the other side decide to go against 'the transaction', then it can be mutually terminated. What's preventing the parties? There may be dispute over the actual amount released and received but that can be settled.
  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9301 Points
    It's clear USL wants out!
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