Improvements you wish to see in I-League 2011-12



  • namewtheldnamewtheld Kolkata5665 Points
    Completely agree with the first point. The PSUs and other companies need to survive for the betterment of football. But they also need to change keeping with the times. They have to rename their club according to the city they are based in and turn themselves into title sponsors. So the club will be known like JCT Mills Ludhiana/Punjab FC. This will not only increase fan base but also will keep their interest of associating their company name with the club.

    Otherwise why anyone would go and support Chirag United other than Alladin and the Genie!? <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->
  • shankarshankar 2600 Points
    i just wonder how our transfer system works....this system should be made more professorial with proper transfer fees and long agreements for players which can help the teams and players...
  • i just wonder how our transfer system works....this system should be made more professorial with proper transfer fees and long agreements for players which can help the teams and players...

    yah.. correct... also players shuld be loaned instead of warming benches and increasing belly's <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> ..
  • sunnysunny 207 Points
    any brodcaster news guys ?
  • namewtheldnamewtheld Kolkata5665 Points
    “We want to convert the Rabindra Sarovar into a world class stadium. It shall be made at any cost, be it Rs. 100 crore or Rs. 150 crore. We are waiting for the formalities to get completed,” Patel revealed

    The Telegraph

    Man! This guy is serious abt Indian Football. RESPECT
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    “We want to convert the Rabindra Sarovar into a world class stadium. It shall be made at any cost, be it Rs. 100 crore or Rs. 150 crore. We are waiting for the formalities to get completed,” Patel revealed

    The Telegraph

    Man! This guy is serious abt Indian Football. RESPECT
    See i always told to give sometime for the new members in aiff as they wil change the image of aiff
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    The thing i want to see the most by 2018 india must have
    1000 A licence coach
    1250 B licence coach
    1500 C licence coach

    100 fifa refs
    250 afc refs
    500 aiff refs

    hey somesh you are right there is a spy in our forum.
  • SnepSnep 277 Points
    “We want to convert the Rabindra Sarovar into a world class stadium. It shall be made at any cost, be it Rs. 100 crore or Rs. 150 crore. We are waiting for the formalities to get completed,” Patel revealed

    The Telegraph

    Man! This guy is serious abt Indian Football. RESPECT

    Gujarat is building mulipurpose Sports and Events stadium in Ahmedabad.

    Check it out @ <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
  • indian_goonerindian_gooner 3535 Points
    The only thing i wish to improve is :
    1)Teams like HAL,Air India,ONGC,BEML,SBT,JCT have done a novial job of keeping the indian football atleast alive in our country in the recent years, that AFC is tightening the screws for AFC standards.
    The institutional clubs would find it difficult to survive in the coming years. so these guys need to build a fan base.. JCT matches are played in front of empty stands..the club being so important to indian football. look what happened to Mahindra united... A simple solutio is to get attached to a city similiar to a structure adopted in the K league.. we can have teams renamed as HAL Bengaluru Raptors,Navi mumbai Air India,JCT Ludhiana Fighters,ONGC Kolhapur Marathas.why will people go to see the mathces of air india ,but they will definately see if it is Navi Mumbai Air India FC.. then the clubs can cash on the merchandise,ticket sales,etc.... i think this is the only way forward to the institutional clubs...

    2) Matches compulsory on weekends and under floodlights will die if this doesnt happens.

    3) Federation cup,DUrand cup to be accomodated within the calender like FA cup.

    4) reserve league jus before the original games starts ...say PFC B vs USFC B jus 2 hours before the original I league match between PFC and USFC starts...

    5) merchandising man this trick the clubs needs to learn quickly...i dont see any flags,baners for any game apart form the clubs in kolkata and NOrth east....

    completely agree with all the points.... <!-- s:bow-plusone: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/bow/plusone.gif" alt=":bow-plusone:" title="PlusOne" /><!-- s:bow-plusone: -->
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10124 Points
    “We want to convert the Rabindra Sarovar into a world class stadium. It shall be made at any cost, be it Rs. 100 crore or Rs. 150 crore. We are waiting for the formalities to get completed,” Patel revealed

    The Telegraph

    Man! This guy is serious abt Indian Football. RESPECT
    This guy is ‘seriously’ sleeping over the state of affairs for the last two years. I am tired of hearing of rosy proposals (and his snoring), let’s see some progress. For example ARE we going to see the next league matches live, or not? Next I-league starts in 3 months, and yet there are no signs of the broadcaster, or even a sponsor! Can we have a little more respectable ranking, like upwards of 110? May we be spared of the PSU teams, and have corporate teams instead (aw, forget it, can we just prevent corporate deserting Indian football)? He has gone on record that he doesn’t care.

    I think I am asking for the heavens … sorry …
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